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Latest regional focus takes us to Pretoria, South Africa

The Director of the Basel and Stockholm Regional Centre for anglophone Africa, Taeolo Letsela, shares his thoughts ahead of the 2017 Triple COPs.

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UN-led Meeting Agrees on Priority Actions for Managing E-Waste in Africa

Pan-African Forum on E-Waste Underlines Green Economy Opportunities in E-Waste Sector


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Domestic Consumption is Main Contributor to Africa’s Growing E-Waste
UN Report Finds Imports of Waste Electronics from Europe Continue to Add to Problem

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Where are WEEE in Africa? Findings from the Basel Convention E-waste Africa Programme
English: Download Where are WEEE in Africa? Findings from the Basel Convention E-waste Africa Programme in English - PDF French: Download Where are WEEE in Africa? Findings from the Basel Convention E-waste Africa Programme in French - PDF

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Pan-African Forum on E-waste
The growing e-waste volumes generated worldwide together with the lack or even absence of well-organized collection and management systems in Africa, where a disproportionate amount of this waste ends up, threatens Africa’s environment, its national economies and the health of local communities.

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Launch of new publication (executive summary)
This publication is an element of the E-waste Africa programme, which aims at enhancing the environmental governance of e-wastes and creating favourable social and economic conditions in the recycling sector in Africa.

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The region has been host to a number of hazardous waste management and cleaner production projects sponsored by international and bilateral donors over the past decades. Nonetheless, the infrastructure for management of hazardous wastes - including legislation, administration and disposal - remains extremely patchy throughout the countries of the region. This would seem to argue strongly for a step-by-step approach that sets in place the basic information, as well as the legislative and administrative requirements before a comprehensive practical waste management strategy could be formulated.

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The Basel Convention Regional Centre in Pretoria (BCRC) and the Swedish Chemicals Agency (KemI) plan a regional cooperation in Anglophone Africa to enhance chemicals management through the implementation of the Strategic Approach towards International Chemicals Management (SAICM), the Stockholm convention, the Rotterdam Convention and the Basel Convention.

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Project documents:  Project Identification Fiche (PIF) Consolidate report of inventories of PCBs in coutries in the regionReport of t...

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La mise en œuvre effective de la Convention de Bâle pour une gestion écologiquement rationnelle des déchets dangereux, passe par une bonne maîtrise de la quantité et du type de déchets produits. Les pays africains francophones, à l’instar de nombreux pays en voie de développement ou à économie en transition, connaissent de nombreux problèmes environnementaux liés à la gestion des déchets.La gestion écologiquement rationnelle des déchets banals et des déchets dangereux en particulier, reste souvent un concept difficilement applicable du fait de la non maîtrise de leurs productions. En effet, il n’existe pratiquement aucun système de suivi de la production de déchets industriels par les producteurs et les autorités compétentes. Les quantités de déchets dangereux produites semblent croissantes avec pour corollaire des menaces réelles sur la santé humaine et environnementale.

Pour pallier cet état des lieux et permettre aux pays d’asseoir des bases claires pour la prise de décision stratégique en ce qui concerne la gestion des déchets dangereux, le Centre Régional de la Convention de Bâle pour les Pays Africains Francophones avait inclus dans son programme de travail la réalisation des inventaires nationaux des déchets dangereux dans trois pays.

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Preparation of a Set of Tools for the Selection, Design and Operation of Hazardous Waste Landfills in Hyper-dry Areas

The Cairo-BCRC as the implementing agent of the project “Preparation of a set of tools for the selection, design and operation of hazardous waste landfills in hyper-dry areas” funded under the Strategic Plan of the Basel Convention with the financial and technical support from the Secretariat of the Basel Convention; has the honor to release as an output of the project, a set of three guidelines entitled: 

  • Guidelines for hazardous waste landfill site selection and EIA in hyper-dry areas. 
  • Guidelines for hazardous waste landfill site design in hyper-dry areas, and 
  • Guidelines for hazardous waste landfill site operation, monitoring and aftercare in hyper-dry areas.


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Components of the pilot project included a Pilot Study on Used Oils In Nigeria, the Preparation of a National Plan for Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Used Oils in Nigeria, the Organization of two Technical Workshops On Management Practices For Used Oils, a Feasibility Study, and the Establishment of a Template for Regional Used Oils. Partnership for Africa, and the development of a Regional Action Plan for the Management of Used Oils in Africa.

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La réalisation de cette étude pilote au Sénégal permet de proposer un programme d’échantillonnage pour adapter le toolkit aux pays d’Afrique sub saharienne et de poser les jalons de sa réplication dans les autres pays polarisés par le Centre afin de documenter les pratiques endogènes sur les déchets de Bâle susceptibles de générer des dioxines et furannes et d’élaborer les outils de contrôle de ces émissions.

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The Secretariat of the Basel Convention approved a grant for Nigeria to carry out a Pilot Project on the Assessment and Recycling of Used Oils in Africa. Components of the pilot project included the Preparation of a National Plan for Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Used Oils in Nigeria, the organization of two Technical Workshops on Management Practices for Used Oils, the Establishment of a Template for Regional Used Oils Partnership for Africa, and the Development of a Regional Action Plan for the Management of Used Oils in Africa.

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Overview and Summary of Outcomes from the Regional Consultations on the Draft Guidelines on BAT and BEP relevant to Article 5 and Annex C of the Stockholm Convention
At the third meeting of the Expert Group on best available techniques (BAT) and best environmental practices (BEP) in Tokyo in October 2004, UNEP Chemicals foreshadowed a series of regional consultations on the draft guidance to assist countries prepare for the first meeting of the Conference of the Parties of the Stockholm Convention (COP-1) to be held in May of 2005. It was considered that successful COP consideration, and subsequent use of the guidelines, would depend on participants’ understanding of the issues. It was important also that the guidance be representative of all regions.

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