Fact Sheet: Global Network of Environmental Prosecutors (International Network for Environmental Compliance and Enforcement – INECE)


Date of establishment 20 June 2011
Legal basis Resolution of the INECE’s 9th International Conference (See INECE fact sheet); Charter agreed to in Spring 2012
Objective To build a global community of environmental prosecutors and to facilitate the exchange of knowledge, tools, capacity building, and information that assists environmental prosecutors in their work
Nature Informal network operating under the auspices of INECE
Membership Prosecutors working on environmental crime (public prosecutors, attorneys general, and other government attorneys enforcing environmental law). Interested participants can contact the INECE Secretariat at inece@inece.org.
Observers Not applicable
Geographical scope Global and regional
Scope Any environmental crime.
Governance structure INECE has convened a global advisory committee to support the development of the network.
Cooperation Network is the outcome of a joint work program carried out by INECE and IUCN Commission on Environmental Law. It builds on experience of existing networks e.g. Latin American Environmental Prosecutors Network and European Network of Prosecutors
Activities The Network connects prosecutors, shares information on relevant topics and case studies, facilitates capacity building and supports transnational prosecutorial initiatives.
Source of funding National governments and international organizations.
Contact information INECE Secretariat, 2300 Wisconsin Ave, NW, Suite 300B, Washington, D.C., 20007, inece@inece.org, +1-202-338-1300
Website http://inece.org/topics/good-governance/prosecutors-network/
Date 30 Sept. 2012