Incentives to encourage private sector investment in environmentally sound management

The report on incentives to encourage private sector investment in environmentally sound management provides an overview of favourable business conditions and other measures to incentivize the private sector to invest in the environmentally sound management of hazardous and other wastes.

At its first meeting, the expert working group on environmentally sound management discussed a number of incentives to encourage the private sector to invest in environmentally sound management, including stable legal frameworks, ensuring that all actors complied with regulations, enforcing the polluter-pays principle, providing market-based incentives and implementing certification schemes, and agreed to develop a report on private sector incentives. A draft report on assessing possible incentives for private sector investment in environmentally sound management was submitted to the twelfth meeting of the Conference of the Parties for its consideration. The latter requested the expert working group to expand the work on private sector incentives and to complement the draft report with an analysis of benefits related to the implementation of environmentally sound management. The report was finalized following the fifth meeting of the expert working group.

Assessing possible incentive to encourage the private sector to invest in environmentally sound management The report provides an overview on favourable business conditions and incentives to encourage the private sector to invest in environmentally sound management and recommends that further case studies and best practices regarding the different incentives be collected to serve as reference for parties when implementing such incentives.