Work programme for 2020-2021

By its decision BC13/9, the Conference of the Parties requested the Committee to consult Parties, in advance of the fourteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties, on a draft work programme for 2020-2021.

The Committee consulted Parties, through the eleventh meeting of the Open-ended Working Group, on a fist draft work programme for 2020-2021 (document UNEP/CHW/OEWG.11/INF/29). By it decision OEWG-11/11, the Working invited the Committee to consider preparing a revised version of its draft work programme for 2020–2021, taking into account comments received during the eleventh meeting of the Open-ended Working Group, inviting further comments thereon from Parties and others, and finalizing its work programme for 2020–2021, taking into account any further comments received, for consideration and possible adoption by the Conference of the Parties at its fourteenth meeting .

During its thirteenth meeting, the Committee considered a first draft work programme for 2020-2021 and requested the Secretariat to prepare a second draft work programme for 2020-2021 taking into account the outcomes of its deliberations and to make it available to Parties with an invitation to comments by 15 October 2018. On 18 September 2018, the Secretariat accordingly made the second draft work programme available with an invitation to comment. Comments received from Parties are available in the table below.

Comments received by Parties

Items: 4  
Canada50.74 K 
EU and its member states39.41 K 
Malaysia30.27 K 
Mexico 33.18 K