Second meeting of the Basel Convention Plastic Waste Partnership working group

Online, from 14 to 16 June 2021

Highlights: Since its first meeting in the Seychelles in March 2020, the Plastic Waste Partnership working group has progressed its work in the four project groups established at that meeting in the areas of prevention and minimization; plastic waste collection, recycling and other recovery; transboundary movements; and outreach, education and awareness raising. The Partnership also adopted the modalities for the submission, selection, implementation and evaluation of pilot projects of the Plastic Waste Partnership, and following a first call for proposals in late 2020, selected 23 pilot projects for implementation. The second meeting of the working group will be an opportunity for the group to take stock of the work developed thus far and to plan its activities for the upcoming year.

More information on the PWP is available here.

Organizers and partners: The second meeting of the Plastic Waste Partnership working group will be hosted online by the Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions.

Working languages: English

Meeting objectives:

The second meeting of the working group will address the following matters:

  • Working modalities of the Plastic Waste Partnership, including an update on membership of the working group and consideration of the financial arrangements;
  • Reports on implementation of workplans the project groups, including possible updates, and consideration of outputs prepared by the project groups;
  • Follow up on the pilot project programme;
  • Activities to promote working group cooperation and coordination;
  • Venue and date of the third meeting of the Plastic Waste Partnership working group.

Meeting documents

  • Working documents
  • Information documents

Contact information

For questions regarding the meeting, please contact Ms. Susan Wingfield ( and Ms. Melisa Lim (