E-waste and used equipment

The technical guidelines on transboundary movements of electrical and electronic waste and used electrical and electronic equipment, in particular regarding the distinction between waste and non waste under the Basel Convention was adopted, on an interim basis, by the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention at its twelfth meeting (Decision BC-12/5).

The technical guidelines provide guidance on transboundary movements of waste electrical and electronic equipment (referred to as e-waste) and used electrical and electronic equipment (referred to as used equipment) that may or may not be e-waste, in particular on the distinction between waste and non-waste.

For further information on the development of the technical guidelines, click here.

Information on conditions applied to used equipment

In addition to the notifications of national definitions of hazardous wastes, Parties are encouraged to inform the Secretariat about any conditions they apply in relation to used equipment that should normally be considered waste or non-waste (para 8 of decision BC-12/5). The Conference of the Parties requested the Secretariat to publish this information provided by Parties on the Basel Convention website.

Items: 2Files: 3
European Union
1.59 MB
2.81 MB
Costa Rica
2.8 MB