The format for national reporting has been adopted by the Conferences of the Parties. It is provided below for reference and is not meant to be used for submitting the national report which should be done through the Electronic reporting system. Manuals for completing the national report and for using the electronic reporting system provide further information on what is requested in the report and submit it.
Format and manual for national reporting for the year 2018 and onwards
The format to be used for national reporting for the year 2018 and onwards incorporates revisions to the previous format, adopted by the Conference of the Parties in decision BC-14/10. The revised format is available for download here.
The Manual for completing the format for national reporting aims to assist countries in understanding the type of information to be provided in national reports. It also includes the questions of the reporting format and is available in all United Nation languages.
The Manual is available in English
Format and manual for national reporting for the year 2016 and 2017
The format to be used for national reporting for the year 2016 and onwards incorporates a number of revisions to the previous format. These revisions were adopted by the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention by decisions BC-12/6 and BC-13/9. The revised format is available for download here.
The Manual for completing the format for national reporting aims to assist countries in understanding the type of information to be provided in national reports. It also includes the questions of the reporting format and is available in all United Nation languages.
The Manual is available in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish.
Format and manual for national reporting for the year 2015 and prior years
The format to be used for national reporting for the year 2002 to 2015, together with a manual intended to assist Parties in completing that format, were adopted by the Conference of the Parties by decision VI/27. The format is available for download here.
The manual is available in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish
User manual for the electronic reporting system of the Basel Convention
The user manual for the electronic system (ERS) of the Basel Convention provides an overview of the key features of the ERS and explains the various ways in which users can submit information through the system. The manual is available here.