The development of inventories of hazardous wastes provides Parties with information to complete their national reports and to assess the types and quantities of wastes that are generated and assess how these can be managed. The Methodological guide for the development of inventories of hazardous wastes and other wastes under the Basel Convention aims to provide broad guidance to the Basel Convention competent authorities and other stakeholders on the methods of developing national inventories for the preparation of the annual national reports. As requested by the Conference of the Parties, guidance has also been prepared to provide practical instructions to assist Parties and others in developing inventories of specific waste types considered to be of priority by Parties. Guidance documents have been developed on a several waste types and they are to be revised on the basis of the experience of Parties and others in using them and the pilot testing. They are meant to be used in conjunction with the Methodological guide for the development of inventories of hazardous wastes under the Basel Convention.
Draft practical guidance for the development of inventories of priority waste streams
Draft practical guidance on the development of inventories of plastic waste, obsolete pesticides and pesticide-container waste and waste batteries containing lithium were developed, as per decision BC-14/10. The documents are available here.
Comments received on these drafts following OEWG-12 are available here.
Practical guidance for the development of inventories of priority waste streams
The Conference of the Parties have also taken note of guidance documents on the development of an inventory of several waste types, as listed below. Comments received on these guidance documents are available here.
Practical guidance for the development of inventories of used lead-acid batteries
Download (English, French, Spanish)
Practical guidance for the development of inventories of waste electrical and electronic equipment
Download (English, French, Spanish)
Practical guidance for the development of inventories of waste oils
Download (English, French, Spanish)
Practical guidance for the development of an inventories of plastic waste
Download (English)
Toolkit for the development of inventories of plastic waste
Practical guidance for the development of an inventories of obsolete pesticides and pesticide-container waste
Download (English)
Practical guidance for the development of an inventories of waste batteries containing lithium
Download (English)
Toolkit for the development of inventories of waste batteries containing lithium