Reporting Dashboard

The Basel Convention Reports Dashboard has been prepared to provide easy and comprehensive access to the information contained in national reports submitted by Parties.

To enable monitoring of the implementation of the Basel Convention, the Convention provides that Parties prepare annual national reports pursuant to paragraph 3 of Article 13 of the Convention. You can consult each individual report submitted by a Party if you visit the page on national reports.

The questionnaire Parties must fill in when submitting their national reports served as a basis for the structure of the Reports Dashboard, which is divided into Questions and Tables.

The information accessible through the Dashboard is that made available by Parties in their national reports and is shown as received, without editing.

The Dashboard is interactive: you can choose the reporting year, the region(s) of the world and the countries for which you want to see the data. Other relevant filters are also available depending on the questions and tables. It is possible to download data visualized on tables as Excel files.

Please click here to access the Reports Dashboard.