Electronic approaches to the notification and movement documents

The Basel Convention sets out a detailed Prior Informed Consent (PIC) procedure with strict requirements for transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and other wastes. 

In many countries, the documentation relating to the PIC for the transboundary movements of hazardous wastes or other wastes is paper-based and documents are mainly transmitted by post, fax and email. There are a number of potential benefits to establishing electronic approaches to the notification and movement documents including reduced administrative burden, decreasing the speed and cost of the PIC and improved enforcement.

The procedure forms the heart of the Basel Convention control system and is based on four key stages

  1. notification; 
  2. consent and issuance of movement document; 
  3. transboundary movement; and 
  4. confirmation of disposal. 

How the work has started:

Work on electronic approaches to the notification and movement documents was initiated by the Committee Administering the Mechanism for Promoting Implementation and Compliance (ICC) of the Basel Convention with a view to improve implementation of and compliance with Article 6 of the Basel Convention. A report on this issue was prepared by the Secretariat to assist the Committee in its work (UNEP/CHW/CC.12/11/Add.2).

Work following COP-13: 

At its thirteenth meeting, the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention requested the Secretariat to prepare, a document containing options on how to move forward on electronic approaches to the notification and movement documents, taking into account prior work undertaken by the ICC on this issue. A report of this issue was prepared by the secretariat for consideration of the Open-ended Working Group at its eleventh meeting. (UNEP/CHW/OEWG.11/INF/21).

Work following COP-14: 

At its fourteenth meeting, in paragraph 3 and 4 of the decision BC-14/11, the COP;

  • Invites Parties and others to provide to the Secretariat, by 30 September 2019, information on their experiences in developing and implementing electronic systems for exchanging information on or controlling the movements of goods and wastes, and requests the Secretariat to prepare, subject to the availability of resources, a report on that for consideration by the Open-ended Working Group at its twelfth meeting;
  • Invites Parties and others to provide to the Secretariat, by 30 September 2019, information on experts who could contribute to the consultative workshops to explore options for a system under the Basel Convention that would allow for the automation of processes and the electronic exchange of information, and requests the Secretariat to organize that workshop after the twelfth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group.

Comments received pursuant to paragraph 3 of the BC-14/11 decision and comments following the OEWG-12 online segment can be found here.

The list of experts nominated pursuant to paragraph 4 of the BC-14/11 decision can be found here. The list of consultative workshops is available in the meetings' page under this session.

Work following COP-15: 

At its fifteenth meeting, the COP adopted decision BC-15/14.

As per paragraph 2, the COP decided to establish a small intersessional working group (SIWG) to look further into electronic approaches to the notification and movement documents. This SIWG should take into account the report of the first consultative workshop on electronic approaches to the notification and movement documents of the Basel Convention and previous reports prepared on that topic.

In paragraph 3 of the decision, to form the SIWG, Parties and observers are invited to nominate by 31 July 2022:

  • experts in the implementation of the PIC procedure
  • experts in developing software in trade and customs areas

As per paragraph 5, the COP requested the lead country or countries or, if there is no lead country or countries, the Secretariat in consultation with the SIWG, to prepare a report with recommendations on the next steps regarding the work on electronic approaches to the notification and movement documents, for consideration by the OEWG-13 meeting taking place in Geneva from 21 to 23 February 2023.

As per paragraph 6, Parties are invited to work on pilot projects on electronic approaches and submit their lessons learned to the Secretariat, to make them available on the website of the Convention.

Work following COP-16: 

At its sixteenth meeting, the COP adopted decision BC-16/10.

In paragraph 2, the COP reiterated its invitation to Parties and observers willing to do so to work on pilot projects on electronic approaches to the notification and movement documents.

In paragraph 5, the COP requested the Secretariat, in consultation with the SIWG, to prepare a report with further recommendations on electronic approaches to the notification and movement documents, taking into account previous work done in this area, and previous discussions of the COP, OEWG and SIWG. 

In paragraph 6, the COP requested the Secretariat, to organize, subject to the availability of resources, and in collaboration with relevant stakeholders, technical assistance activities and awareness-raising events in order to help Parties advance the work on electronic approaches to the notification and movement documents of the Basel Convention.

Comments and/or queries should be sent to Ms. Carla Valle-Klann, Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam, and Stockholm Conventions (Email: carla.valle at un.org).