Second meeting of the Expert Working Group on Environmentally Sound Management

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At its second meeting, the expert working group on environmentally sound management considered and further developed work commenced during the intersessional period, in particular work on pilot projects, fact sheets for certain waste streams, practical manuals on environmentally sound management, as well as work on private sector incentives. The group also finalised its draft work programme for submission to and consideration by the ninth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group. Finally, the group discussed the timeline of its activities prior to the ninth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group and the twelfth meeting of the Conference of the Parties.

Meeting Documents

Document SymbolTitleEnglish
Items: 3  
UNEP/CHW/CLI_EWG.2/LOPList of participants61.5 K 53.9 K
UNEP/CHW/CLI_EWG.2/1Provisional agenda290.5 K 28.98 K
UNEP/CHW/CLI_EWG.2/2Report of the Expert Working Group on Environmentally Sound Management on the work of its second meeting162.5 K 109.69 K

Information Documents

Document SymbolTitleEnglish
Items: 14  
UNEP/CHW/CLI_EWG.2/INF/01Tentative schedule for the meeting309.5 K 36.31 K
UNEP/CHW/CLI_EWG.2/INF/02Action items agreed by the first meeting of the expert working group on environmentally sound management320 K 41.04 K
UNEP/CHW/CLI_EWG.2/INF/03Pilot project on environmentally sound management in Egypt, Madagascar and Tanzania704 K 326.92 K
UNEP/CHW/CLI_EWG.2/INF/04Draft practical manual: Certification schemes353.5 K 167.03 K
UNEP/CHW/CLI_EWG.2/INF/05Draft practical manual: Principles / General Rules and Model Legislation350 K 72.02 K
UNEP/CHW/CLI_EWG.2/INF/06Draft practical manual: Prevention335.5 K 66.37 K
UNEP/CHW/CLI_EWG.2/INF/07Draft practical manual: Terminology380 K 82.19 K
UNEP/CHW/CLI_EWG.2/INF/08Draft practical manual: Licenses / Permits332 K 54.74 K
UNEP/CHW/CLI_EWG.2/INF/09Draft practical manual: Safety and Insurance / Liability338 K 70.94 K
UNEP/CHW/CLI_EWG.2/INF/10Development of waste stream fact sheets385.5 K 143.83 K
UNEP/CHW/CLI_EWG.2/INF/11Compilation of training and information material on Environmentally Sound Management414.5 K 244.64 K
UNEP/CHW/CLI_EWG.2/INF/11/Rev.1Final report: Compilation of training and information material on Environmentally Sound Management414.5 K 299.67 K
UNEP/CHW/CLI_EWG.2/INF/12Compilation of information on private sector incentives724 K 347.51 K
UNEP/CHW/CLI_EWG.2/INF/13Draft work programme of the expert working group347.5 K 70.65 K

Information for Participants

Please click the link to access an information note prepared by the Basel Convention Regional Centre for South-East Asia.