Within the framework of its mandate to improve the implementation of and compliance with article 6 of the Convention, the Committee it to finalize, including through consultations with the Open-ended Working Group, the updating of the guide to the control system for consideration and possible adoption by the Conference of the Parties at its twelfth meeting.
The development of a revised guide to the control system under the 2014-2015 work programme of the Committee is a continuation of its activities under its 2012-2013 work programme. A Revised guide to the control system – Instruction manual for use by those persons involved in transboundary movements of hazardous wastes (October 2013 draft) was considered by the Committee during its tenth meeting. The Committee agreed to invite Parties and others to comment thereon by 31 January 2014. Comments received are set out in the table below. A revised version of the guide to the control system (8 May 2014) taking into account comments received was prepared by the Committee and consulted with the Open-ended Working Group during its ninth meeting at what time comments were transmitted by the European Union and its member States. The matter was again considered by the Committee during its eleventh meeting at what time the Committee requested the Secretariat to prepare, under the guidance of the lead Committee member, a revised draft accordingly, for endorsement by the Committee through electronic means and subsequent submission to the twelfth meeting of the Conference of the Parties for consideration and adoption.
At its twelfth meeting, the Conference of the Parties considered and adopted the Guide to the control system (Decision BC-12/7).