Manual for the implementation of the Convention

Within the framework of its mandate to improve implementation and compliance with Convention, the Committee is to review and update, including through consultations with the Open-ended Working Group, the Manual for the implementation of the Basel Convention in a way to ensure consistency between the manual and the guide to the control system and, as far as possible, to avoid duplication between the two documents, for consideration and possible adoption by the Conference of the Parties at its twelfth meeting.

The review and updating of the Manual for the implementation of the Basel Convention was considered by the Committee during its tenth meeting at what time it agreed to request the Secretariat to develop an updated manual for the implementation of the Convention, including an expanded checklist for the legislator, for the consideration of the Open-ended Working Group during its ninth meeting. Following its consideration of the draft Manual prepared by the Committee  the Open-ended Working Group adopted decision OEWG-9/7: Consultation with the Committee for Administering the Mechanism for Promoting Implementation and Compliance of the Convention, whereby it invited the Committee to consider preparing a revised version of the manual for the implementation of the Convention, taking into account comments received during the ninth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group, namely by the European Union and its members States, inviting comments thereon from parties and others and finalizing the manual taking into account comments received, for consideration and possible adoption by the Conference of the Parties at its twelfth meeting.

The Committee considered this matter, including the outcome of the consultation with the ninth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group, during its eleventh meeting. It agreed at that time to prepare a revised version of the manual taking into account as far as possible the comments from the European Union and its member States, for endorsement by the Committee through electronic means. The Committee also agreed to invite Parties and others to provide comments by 31 October 2014 on the revised version of the manual before the finalization of the manual for consideration and possible adoption by the Conference of the Parties at its twelfth meeting.

At its twelfth meeting, the Conference of the Parties considered and adopted the Manual for the implementation of the Basel Convention (Decision BC-12/7).

Draft Manual for the implementation of the Basel Convention

TitlePublication dateEnglish
Items: 1  
Manual for the Implementation of the Basel Convention10/3/2014230.15 K 166.91 K


Items: 8     
ArgentinaComments from Argentina10/3/2014241.21 K 232.55 K  
Central African RepublicComments from Central African Republic11/4/201412.57 K 10.46 K  
EcuadorComments from Ecuador11/4/2014  101.05 K
European UnionComments from European Union10/3/2014263.04 K 221.92 K  
MexicoNote verbal and Comments from Mexico11/14/2014275.92 K 242.07 K  71.61 K
MoroccoComments from Morocco11/25/2014 10.86 K 39.53 K 
ArgentinaComments from Argentina12/1/2014840.22 K  983.99 K
ColombiaComments from Colombia11/24/2014  240.93 K