Within the framework of its mandate to improve implementation and compliance with Convention with the national reporting obligation, the Committee is to classify and, as appropriate, publish parties’ individual compliance performance with regard to their annual national reporting obligations for 2013, 2014 and 2015 as available based on the criteria and categories adopted by the Conference of the Parties at its tenth meeting and using the targets set by the Conference of the Parties at its twelfth meeting in Decision BC12/7.
The classification of Parties’ compliance performance with their national reporting obligation for 2013 was considered by the Committee during its twelfth meeting at what time the Committee requested the Secretariat to:
- Publish on the Convention’s website the classification of Parties’ compliance performance with the national reporting obligation for 2013 set out in the annexes to document UNEP/CHW/CC.12/5;
- Make the information available to parties through a communication with an invitation to comment on the classification by 31 August 2016 and an invitation for Parties that did not yet do so to transmit their national report for 2013 by that same date;
- Prepare by 10 October 2016 a revised classification taking into account comments as well as reports received by 31 August 2016, for the consideration of the thirteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties.
The Conference of the Parties at is thirteenth meeting considered the report of the Committee on the implementation of its work programme, including the classification of Parties’ compliance performance with regard to the annual reporting obligation for 2013 and recommendations on the way forward. In its Decision BC-13/9, the Conference of the Parties, among other things, welcomed the slight improvement in the completeness of national reports since 2010 and the positive trend towards an improvement in the timeliness of national reports since 2010, but noted with concern that the targets for the year 2013 with regard to the timeliness and completeness of national reports had not been met and that as at 31 October 2016, 94 Parties had not submitted their reports for 2013. The Conference of the Parties also adopted revised targets for the reports due for 2014 and 2015 and entrusted the Committee, under its 2018-2019 work programme, to classify, for its own consideration and under its general review powers, and, as appropriate, to publish information on Parties' compliance with their annual reporting obligations for 2014 and 2015, based on the assumptions, criteria and targets adopted by the Conference of the Parties at its thirteenth meeting.
opted revised targets for reports due for 2014 and 2015