By its decision BC13/9, the Conference of the Parties requested the Committee to develop an updated version of the benchmark report aimed at facilitating reporting under paragraph 3 of Article 13 of the Basel Convention as of the reporting year 2016, based on the revised reporting format for national reporting adopted in decision BC-12/6 as amended by decision BC-13/9.
During its thirteenth meeting, the Committee considered a first draft of a benchmark report UNEP/CHW/CC.13/4/Add.2. Concluding its consideration of the matter, the Committee requested the Secretariat to:
- revise the benchmark report in light of the discussions held during its thirteenth meeting;
- invite Parties and observers to comment thereon by 15 October 2018;
- finalize the benchmark report under the guidance of the lead Committee members taking into account the comments received and to fundraise to enable its translation, alongside the other guidance documents developed by the Committee, in the five other languages of the United Nations;
- make the benchmark report available to the Conference of the Parties at its fourteenth meeting for its consideration and possible adoption; and
- prepare a draft decision recommending that the Conference of the Parties at its fourteenth meeting encourage Parties to use the benchmark report when preparing their national reports.
On 18 September 2018, the Secretariat accordingly made the second draft of the benchmark report available to Parties and others with an invitation to comment by 15 October 2018. Comments received from Parties are available in the table below.