By its decision BC13/9, the Conference of the Parties requested the Committee to Develop, taking into account the report on the implementation of and compliance with paragraph 4 of Article 6 of the Basel Convention on transit transboundary movements (link to document UNEP/CHW/CC.12/11/Add.1, annex) in particular its paragraphs 81–83, guidance on the implementation of paragraph 4 of Article 6 of the Convention for consideration and possible adoption by the Conference of the Parties at its fourteenth meeting.
A first draft guidance document was developed by the Committee and made available to Parties during the eleventh meeting of the Open-ended Working Group in the annex to document UNEP/CHW/OEWG.11/INF/28 (link to that document). During its thirteenth meeting, the Committee agreed to seek further comments from Parties and others on this first draft document, and to include the finalization of the guidance in its draft work programme for 2020-2021. In its conclusions, the Committee requested the Secretariat to make the first draft guidance document on the implementation of paragraph 4 of article 6 of the Basel Convention on transit transboundary movements available to Parties and observers with an invitation to comment thereon, in particular on the section on innocent passage and freedom of navigation (paragraphs 46-50) by 11 January 2019.
On 18 September 2018, the Secretariat accordingly made the first draft guidance document on the implementation of paragraph 4 of article 6 of the Basel Convention on transit transboundary movements available to Parties and observers with an invitation to comment.
Comments received from Parties and observers in response to the invitation are set out in the table below.