Review and updating of guidance

Within its mandate to generally improve the implementation of and compliance with the Convention, the Committee was requested to undertake a number of activities.

By its decision BC-16/14, the Conference of the Parties mandated the Committee to:

  1. Regularly review the guidance developed by the Committee on the basis of periodic feedback from users and suggestions from stakeholders and in the light of decisions adopted by the Conference of the Parties, and make recommendations to the Conference of the Parties on the updating of the guidance;
  2. Update, on behalf of the Conference of the Parties and subject to the availability of resources, the Guide to the Control System and the Manual for the Implementation of the Basel Convention by including, as relevant, references to the Ban Amendment, the plastic wastes amendments, the e waste amendments, the glossary of terms, and technical guidelines and new guidance adopted since the twelfth meeting of the Conference of the Parties.

During the first part of its sixteenth meeting, the Committee considered technical updates to the Guide to the Control System and the Manual for the Implementation of the Basel Convention (documents UNEP/CHW/CC.16/6/Add.1 and UNEP/CHW/CC.16/6/Add.2). The Committee agreed to bring to the attention of Parties and observers the technical updates made by the Committee to the Guide to the Control System and the Manual for the implementation of the Basel Convention, and invite their feedback on their use of the Guide to the Control System and the Manual for the implementation of the Basel Convention and their priorities for possible further improvement; to monitor developments in the work of the small intersessional working group on the renewed strategic framework and the small intersessional working group on improving the functioning of the prior informed consent procedure; and to consider, during resumed sessions of its sixteenth meeting, making possible recommendations to the Conference of the Parties at its seventeenth meeting on updating the Guide to the Control System and the Manual for the Implementation of the Basel Convention.

Feedback from Parties and observers on their use of the Guide to the Control System and the Manual for the implementation of the Basel Convention and on priorities for possible further improvement was invite by 6 September 2024. The feedback received from Parties is set out in the table below.

Feedback received from Parties and observers on their use of the Guide to the Control System and the Manual for the implementation of the Basel Convention and on priorities for possible further improvement

Items: 3  
Canada402.49 K 388.86 K 
Madagascar 66.78 K
Myanmar515.75 K