Various international organizations are concerned with the enforcement of international agreements on hazardous and other wastes. In addition, several networks strengthen the ability of Parties to prevent and combat illegal traffic. With a view to improving cooperation and coordination between relevant entities with a specific mandate to deliver capacity-building activities and tools on preventing and combating illegal traffic , the eleventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties established the Environmental Network for Optimizing Regulatory Compliance on Illegal Traffic (ENFORCE).
A variety of international organizations and networks focus on preventing and combating the illegal traffic in hazardous and other wastes. As a contribution to providing information on existing enforcement networks and other relevant networks under the Basel Convention. The Secretariat has developed, in cooperation with the relevant entities, factsheets. These factsheets present, in a comparable format, the main characteristics of such networks: date of establishment, legal basis, objective, nature, activities, membership, observers, geographical scope, substantive scope, governance structure, cooperation, activities, source of funding, contact information, website. Links to other relevant organizations and networks are also provided below.
The Implementation and Compliance Committee of the Basel Convention has developed a Directory of Training Institutions Offering Activities Aimed at Improving Capacity for Detection, Prevention and Prosecution of Cases of Illegal Traffic. Relevant institutions which are interested in being included in the directory are invited to complete the forms (available in English, French and Spanish) and transmit them to the Secretariat.