Comments received from Parties and others as per decision OEWG-11/3, paragraph 5

Items: 14  
European Union and its Member StatesComments on the General technical guidelines282.22 K
European Union and its Member StatesComments on the SCCP technical guidelines198.76 K
European Union and its Member StatesComments on the POP-BDEs technical guidelines211.72 K
European Union and its Member StatesComments on the UPOPs technical guidelines495.54 K
European Union and its Member StatesComments on the HCBD technical guidelines154.51 K
ACEAComments on the General technical guidelines272.2 K
ACEAComments on the POP-BDEs technical guidelines215.28 K
BSEFComments on the POP-BDEs technical guidelines216.39 K
CEWEPComments on the General technical guidelines282.14 K
CREPDComments on suggested LPCLs in the draft General technical guidelines33 K
EERAStatement of the European WEEE recycling industry on LPCPs127.96 K
HBCD IGComments on the General technical guidelines275.58 K
Hazardous Waste EuropeComments on the General technical guidelines353.46 K
IPENComments on suggested LPCLs in the draft General technical guidelines38.33 K