Online, 4 December 2020
Highlights: The Small Grant Programme on Plastic Waste is implemented as “Component 1: Small Grant Programme of the Regional Centres to build the capacities of Parties in addressing plastic waste through the implementation of the Basel Convention” of the project “Further actions to address plastic waste under the Basel Convention” (BRS-Norad-2), funded by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad). Following the first meeting held online on 20 August 2020, seven projects were selected for implementation.
On 16 September 2020, the Secretariat published a
call for proposals for the second round of projects and invited Basel Convention regional and coordinating centres and Stockholm Convention regional and subregional centres to apply before 31 October 2020, in accordance with the
revised modalities for the second round.
After the deadline for submissions of project proposals on 31 October 2020, the Secretariat reviewed the proposals with respect to the eligibility criteria and prepared a report on the screening of the proposals received under the second round.
The Steering Committee, at its second meeting on 4 December 2020, reviewed the report on the screening of the 21 project proposals and provided feedback and recommendations. The committee agreed that the 7 proposals listed in annex I to the report of the meeting were recommended for selection and encouraged the proponents of the 7 proposals listed in annex II to the report to revise the proposals for possible future selection, subject to the availability of resources, thereby addressing the recommendations for improvement. The feedback provided by the steering committee on each of the proposals can be found in document UNEP/CHW/SGPPW.2/5/Rev.2.
Working language: English
Organizer: Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions
Meeting objectives: To review the report on the screening of project proposals for Small Grant Programme on Plastic Waste prepared by the Secretariat and provide recommendations on the selection of projects to be funded.
Target audience: Members of the Steering Committee of Small Grant Programme on Plastic Waste