All activities

Basel key issues: Progress on implementation and compliance
Twelfth meeting of the Implementation and Compliance Committee adopts 12 decisions and tackles a wide range of general issues.

Basel key issues: Progress on implementation and compliance

Basel key issues: Progress on implementation and compliance
Basel Convention meetings point way forwards for sustainable management of waste
A Press Release is now available summarising major outcomes of the OEWG-10 and ICC-12 meetings, held in Nairobi from 30 May to 2 June and 4 to 6 June 2016, respectively.

Basel Convention meetings point way forwards for sustainable management of waste

Basel Convention meetings point way forwards for sustainable management of waste
UN member states agree 25 resolutions at UNEA2
Resolutions on the sound management of chemicals and waste, marine litter, and the role of MEAs among resolutions agreed by UN member states at UNEA in Nairobi, 23 - 27 May 2016.

UN member states agree 25 resolutions at UNEA2

UN member states agree 25 resolutions at UNEA2
New Director for BCCC Africa
The Government of Nigeria in consultation with the Secretariat has appointed Professor Percy C. Onianwa as the new director of Basel Convention Coordinating Centre for Africa effective 23 May 2016.

New Director for BCCC Africa

New Director for BCCC Africa
Profile of Regional Centre continues focus on Caribbean
Find out about the Basel Regional Centre for the Caribbean, located in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago.

Profile of Regional Centre continues focus on Caribbean

Profile of Regional Centre continues focus on Caribbean

By decision BC-III/19, the Conference of the Parties of the Basel Convention in 1995 selected Trinidad and Tobago as the location to establish a regional centre for the Caribbean sub-region. This resulted in the establishment of Basel Convention Regional Centre for Training and Technology Transfer for the Caribbean Region (BCRC Caribbean) in 1998. The Centre is hosted by the Government of Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, which supports with technical, financial and administrative support. A Framework Agreement for its establishment was signed between the Government of Trinidad and Tobago and the Secretariat of the Basel Convention on behalf of the Conference of the Parties in 2004.

Consequently, the BCRC Caribbean now functions as an autonomous regional institution and is hosted by the Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago and incorporated under Act Number 2 of 2008 of the Laws of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. The Centre provides services to its Caribbean Contracting Member Parties to enable them to fulfil their obligations under the Convention. The parties thus served are:  Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Guyana, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, and Trinidad and Tobago.

The BCRC-Caribbean has been entrusted by its contracting parties to assist them to comply with and implement the provisions and mandates of the chemicals and waste agenda as defined by the various MEAs acceded to by its member states. Such requirements have led to the expansion of the knowledge base and service delivery of the BCRC-Caribbean to its member states beyond its traditional Convention boundaries. Presently, the Centre operates within this increased scope and its work plan, as defined in its biennial Business Plans developed in consultation with its member states, focuses on a more holistic approach to chemicals and waste management for the Caribbean Region. Some of the examples of its recent undertakings include:

  • Caribbean Sub-regional Workshop in Support for the Ratification and Early Implementation of the Minamata Convention on Mercury
  • Caribbean Sub-Regional Workshop on Updating National Implementation Plans and POPs Wastes under the Stockholm Convention
  • Introductory Workshop on Industrial Chemicals under the Rotterdam Convention for the Caribbean
  • Regional implementation of the GEF-funded Full-Sized Project 'Development and Implementation of a Sustainable Management Mechanism for POPs in the Caribbean.'

The last example demonstrates how it has evolved and enhanced its capacity to implement a full sized GEF project. The BCRC Caribbean and the UNIDO have collaborated in order to develop and implement a full-sized GEF funded project entitled 'Development and Implementation of a Sustainable Management Mechanism for POPs in the Caribbean' (GEF 5558 Project). The project was developed in light of the shortcomings faced by Caribbean countries in implementing the Stockholm Convention and addressing the threats posed by POPs to human and environmental health at the national level.

The BCRC-Caribbean performs all of these activities, as they pertain to its regional role, under the general guidance and in coordination with the BRS Secretariat. Simultaneously, the activities of the Centre are coordinated by the Secretariat along with the work of other BCRCs/SCRCs and with other relevant activities of the Parties to the Convention, international organizations, programmes, funds, and other institutions.

For more information on this and the other Regional Centres, please visit the BRS Secretariat website.

A Caribbean View: Latest BRS interview takes us to Trinidad and Tobago
Read all about the big issues for the Caribbean in this interview with Dr Ahmad Khan.

A Caribbean View: Latest BRS interview takes us to Trinidad and Tobago

A Caribbean View: Latest BRS interview takes us to Trinidad and Tobago
E-waste technical guidelines finalised and now available online in 6 UN languages
Adopted at COP.12, these much-anticipated guidelines are a crucial resource for parties seeking to sustainably manage this fast-growing waste stream.

E-waste technical guidelines finalised and now available online in 6 UN languages

E-waste technical guidelines finalised and now available online in 6 UN languages

Following adoption at COP.12 on an interim basis, the e-waste Technical Guidelines are now available in all languages. To give them their full title, the “Technical guidelines on transboundary movements of electrical and electronic waste and used electrical and electronic equipment, in particular regarding the distinction between waste and non-waste under the Basel Convention” are an important resource for parties seeking to manage in a sustainable way the ever-growing e-waste stream, which according to recent research constitutes almost 50 million tonnes per year.

The guidelines are available here.

For more on e-waste please see our webpages.

Information sought on Basel Convention technical assistance needs
Focal Points from developing country Parties and Parties with economies in transition are invited to fill out an online questionnaire, by 10 June 2016.

Information sought on Basel Convention technical assistance needs

Information sought on Basel Convention technical assistance needs
ENFORCE partnership stages 2nd meeting in Sao Paolo, Brazil, 3 - 4 May 2016
ENFORCE brings together regional representatives from Basel Convention parties, Basel Convention Regional Centres and enforcement agencies for capacity building to prevent and combat illegal traffic in hazardous wastes.

ENFORCE partnership stages 2nd meeting in Sao Paolo, Brazil, 3 - 4 May 2016

ENFORCE partnership stages 2nd meeting in Sao Paolo, Brazil, 3 - 4 May 2016
Rolph Payet on the outlook for sustainable management of chemicals and waste
Read the BRS Executive Secretary’s address to the first International Conference on Chemical Safety and Security (ICCSS1) held in Kielce, Poland 18-20 April 2016.

Rolph Payet on the outlook for sustainable management of chemicals and waste

Rolph Payet on the outlook for sustainable management of chemicals and waste
Special Programme on Chemicals and Waste: Call for Proposals Open
Aiming to strengthen national institutions and to promote the mainstreaming of sound management of chemicals and wastes, the 1st Call for Proposals is open until 4 July 2016.

Special Programme on Chemicals and Waste: Call for Proposals Open

Special Programme on Chemicals and Waste: Call for Proposals Open
Preventing illegal trade in environmentally - sensitive commodities
Green Customs Initiative: the BRS Secretariat hosts the 11th meeting of the GCI Partners in Geneva, 14-15 April 2016.

Preventing illegal trade in environmentally - sensitive commodities

Preventing illegal trade in environmentally - sensitive commodities
First ever MOOC on E-waste - now underway
You can still register for, and since 4 April 2016 join, the first ever Massive Open Online Course on the E-waste Challenge, now underway.

First ever MOOC on E-waste - now underway

First ever MOOC on E-waste - now underway

With our growing appetite for electrical and electronic products, combined with rapid innovation and ever-shorter product lifespans, e-waste has now become one of the fast growing waste streams.

This course will help you to understand why and how we must manage e-waste in an environmentally sound manner and how you can take action on e-waste in your own life, business, or organization.

The aims of the course are to:

  • Show how sound management of e-waste can help reduce GHG emissions, mitigate climate change and prevent hazards to health and the environment in accordance with the Basel, Rotterdam, and Stockholm Conventions
  • Share best practices, technological innovations, and sustainable e-waste recovery and recycling business models
  • Explore how the value in e-waste can be extracted in a way that supports the local economy and protects people’s health and the environment.

The E-waste challenge MOOC was developed by the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions Secretariat and Climate-KIC in cooperation with KU Leuven, in Belgium, and the World Resources Forum, an International non-profit organization based in Switzerland. The course will provide at least one ECTS to students who can take it at KU Leuven.

Register for the e-waste challenge MOOC at this address. The course will launch from 4 April 2016.

Focus on China and the Pacific
Our latest interview is with Professor Dr. Jinhui Li, Executive Director of the Basel and Stockholm Conventions Regional Centre, Beijing China.

Focus on China and the Pacific

Focus on China and the Pacific
How big would the pile of discarded mobile phones be?
As big as the Great Pyramid in Egypt? Watch the BRS short movie to find out.

How big would the pile of discarded mobile phones be?

How big would the pile of discarded mobile phones be?
BRS and Climate-KIC launch first-ever Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on e-waste
The Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam, and Stockholm Conventions (BRS), together with its partner the European Institute for Innovation and Technology’s Climate Knowledge and Innovation Community (Climate-KIC), is proud to launch the first-ever Massive Open Online Course, or MOOC, on the electronic and electrical waste, e-waste challenge.

BRS and Climate-KIC launch first-ever Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on e-waste

BRS and Climate-KIC launch first-ever Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on e-waste
Two consulting opportunities open until 20 February 2016
BRS secretariat invites tenders for the drafting of ESM factsheets and design options for management of shipbreaking waste.

Two consulting opportunities open until 20 February 2016

Two consulting opportunities open until 20 February 2016
18th February is the 4th Anniversary of the - joint - BRS Secretariat
BRS Deputy Executive Secretary, Kerstin Stendahl, outlines lessons learnt from 10 years of working on synergies.

18th February is the 4th Anniversary of the - joint - BRS Secretariat

18th February is the 4th Anniversary of the - joint - BRS Secretariat
Watch the latest BRS science video
New film shows how science underpins decision-making for the 3 BRS conventions.

Watch the latest BRS science video

Watch the latest BRS science video
Institutional strengthening for implementation of the BRS Conventions
The Executive Board of the UNEP Special Programme holds its first meeting on 2 to 3 February 2016 in Geneva, Switzerland.

Institutional strengthening for implementation of the BRS Conventions

Institutional strengthening for implementation of the BRS Conventions
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