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The Basel Convention Partnerships Programme

The Basel Convention Partnerships Programme

The Basel Convention Partnerships Programme

Public-private partnerships are voluntary and creative mechanisms that support the work of the Convention by offering forums for dialogue and practical action by all stakeholders. They are comprised of all levels of government, industry and business sectors, nongovernmental organizations, academia and other international institutions and bodies, for open and frank dialogue in action.

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Decisions taken by the Conference Of the Parties

Items: 11 Files: 21
BC-V/13Cooperation With Environmental Non-governmental Organizations And With The Industry And Business Sectors8.83 K
BC-VI/31Sustainable partnership for the environmentally sound managementof end-of-life mobile telephone35.5 K29.04 K
BC-VI/32Partnership with environmental non-governmental organizations and with the industry and business sectors27.5 K18.71 K
BC-VII/3Basel Convention Partnership Programme53.5 K31.98 K
BC-VIII/5Basel Convention Partnership Programme57 K56.58 K
BC-IX/7Convention Partnership Programme workplan for 2009–201142.5 K25.71 K
BC-10/2Strategic framework for the implementation of the Basel Convention for 2012–202155 K43 K
BC-10/3Indonesian-Swiss country-led initiative to improve the effectiveness of the Basel Convention47.5 K47.48 K
BC-10/19Basel Convention Partnership Programme35.5 K17.25 K
BC-12/12Partnership for Action on Computing Equipment259.5 K18.87 K
BC-13/12Partnership for Action on Computing Equipment15.38 K16.45 K

Decisions taken by the Open-Ended Working Group (OEWG)

The number of documents has changed, please re-define the sort sequence
Items: 6Load time table: 904.8096 msec  
OEWG-I/6Decision VI/32: Partnership with environmental non -governmental organizations and with industry and the business sector 23 K 19.83 K
OEWG-II/9Partnership with environmental non-governmental organizations and with the industry and business sectors 49 K 31.02 K
OEWG-III/2OEWG-III/2: Work programme for the Basel Convention Partnership Programme 47 K 38.44 K
OEWG-IV/1 Basel Convention Partnership Programme 41.96 K 13.4 K
OEWG-V/3Mobile Phone Partnership Initiative 41.73 K 13.19 K
OEWG-VI/19Basel Convention Partnership Programme54.5 K 59.35 K 28.5 K 7.54 K