Terms of Reference of the Partnership for Action on Challenges relating to E-waste (PACE II)

The terms of reference of the Partnership were updated in 2023, with decision BC-16/18 Part I and are included in document UNEP/CHW.16/INF/63.

I Goal

The goal of the Partnership is to strengthen the environmentally sound management (ESM) of waste computing equipment, mobile phones, television screens, including CRT, LCD and LED screens, video and audio equipment; refrigerators, cooling and heating equipment, as well as the environmentally sound refurbishment and repair of used computing equipment, mobile phones, television screens, including CRT, LCD and LED screens, video and audio equipment, refrigerators, cooling and heating equipment, at the regional, national and local levels, taking into account social responsibility, the concept of sustainable development and life-cycle thinking. II.

II Scope

The scope of the Partnership covers computing equipment (personal computers (PCs), laptops, notebooks and tablets, and associated displays, printers and peripherals)1 , mobile phones, television screens, including CRT, LCD and LED screens, video and audio equipment, refrigerators, cooling and heating equipment


In decision BC-14/19 Part I, among others, the Conference of the Parties requested the working group of the Partnership to prepare a revised version of both the terms of reference and the programme of work of the Follow-up Partnership to PACE, and taking into account comments from Parties and others, to submit them for consideration by the Open-Ended Working Group at its twelfth meeting (OEWG-12). The OEWG12 adopted the terms of reference in decision OWEG12/1.

At the fifteenth meting of the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention, the Parties adopted a new name for the Follow-up Partnership to PACE: Partnership for Action on Challenges relating to E-waste (PACE II) and added in the scope of the terms of reference new e-wastes as well as the task of developing guidance documents on ESM. The new e-wastes added were:

  1. Television screens, including CRT, LCD and LED screens; video and audio equipment.
  2. Refrigerators and cooling and heating equipment

In decision BC-16/18 Part I, the Conference of the Parties, at the sixteenth meeting, amended the terms of reference of the Partnership to delete the obligation to pay a fee by non-state actors, to become members of the partnership working group.