Decision BC-13/17

In paragraph 5 of decision BC-13/17, the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention requested the Secretariat to prepare, for consideration of the Open-ended Working Group at its eleventh meeting, a document compiling information on existing activities that address waste containing nanomaterials and identifying issues related to waste containing nanomaterials that may be relevant to work under the Convention and on options for further work that may be carried out under the Basel Convention related to waste containing nanomaterials within the scope of the Convention, avoiding duplication with activities relating to the matter in other forums. The Open-Ended Working Group was mandated to consider further work that may be carried out in relation to waste containing nanomaterials.

To assist it in preparing the document on waste containing nanomaterials, the Secretariat invited Parties and others to provide information on existing activities that address waste containing nanomaterials and issues related to such wastes that may be relevant to the work under the Basel Convention.

Information received from Parties and stakeholders

Items: 10  
Argentina239.91 K 
Colombia89.62 K 
Germany113.12 K 
Mexico123.14 K 
Philippines8.41 K 
Thailand8.21 K 
Argentina63.36 K 63.26 K
 114.68 K 
Guatemala 187.38 K
 134.03 K