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Guidance on the implementation of paragraph 4 of article 6 of the Basel Convention on transit transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and other wastes

Guidance on the implementation of paragraph 4 of article 6 of the Basel Convention on transit transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and other wastes

Guidance on the implementation of paragraph 4 of article 6 of the Basel Convention on transit transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and other wastes

The Guidance on the implementation of paragraph 4 of Article 6 of the Basel Convention on transit transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and other wastes is a comprehensive guidance document intended to help Parties with the implementation of the Convention’s prior informed consent procedure in instances where a transboundary movement of hazardous wastes and other wastes involves one or more transit States. Developed by the Implementation and Compliance Committee, it was adopted by the fifteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties in May 2022 by decision BC-15/17. The guidance presents information on the variety of ways in which Parties define a transit State and where to find that information. It then details each step to be taken by Parties in case a proposed transboundary movement may involve one or more such States. Guidance is also provided on specific instances that Parties may encounter in relation to transboundary movements involving a transit State: transit restrictions or prohibitions, and the rerouting of a ship. The guidance further provides information on the relationship between the obligations of Parties pursuant to paragraph 4 of Article 6 of the Convention and navigational rights and freedoms. Finally, you will find annex II to the guidance information on the meaning of transit in Customs terminology and in the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

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Eleventh Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention - Documents


Working Documents

 Document SymbolTitleDownload
 Items: 34 Files: 67
UNEP/CHW.11/1Provisional agenda80 K29.39 K
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UNEP/CHW.11/1/Add.1Annotations to the provisional agenda99 K125.18 K
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Item 1

Opening of the meeting

1. The eleventh ordinary meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal will be held at the Geneva International Conference Centre, 17 rue de Varembé, Geneva, from 28 April to 10 May 2013, in conjunction with the sixth ordinary meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade, the sixth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants and the second simultaneous extraordinary meetings of the three conferences of the parties to the three conventions. The meetings will be opened at 10 a.m. on Sunday, 28 April 2013 by the three presidents of the conferences of the parties.

UNEP/CHW.11/2Election of officers115.5 K66.84 K
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Note by the Secretariat

I. Introduction

1. The present note contains information pertaining to the election of officers of the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal and the Open-ended Working Group of the Basel Convention by the Conference of the Parties at its eleventh meeting. In addition to electing the officers of the Conference of the Parties and the Open-ended Working Group, the meeting is expected to elect five members of the Committee for Administering the Mechanism for Promoting Implementation and Compliance of the Basel Convention (see UNEP/CHW.11/11).

UNEP/CHW.11/3Follow-up to the Indonesian-Swiss country-led initiative to improve the effectiveness of the Basel Convention115 K87.99 K
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Note by the Secretariat

I. Introduction

1. At its tenth meeting, the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal adopted decision BC-10/3 on the Indonesian-Swiss country-led initiative to improve the effectiveness of the Basel Convention. The decision addresses the entry into force of the Ban Amendment; the development of guidelines for environmentally sound management; the provision of further legal clarity; the further strengthening of the Basel Convention regional and coordinating centres; combating illegal traffic; assisting developing countries that are facing specific challenges with regard to prohibiting the import of hazardous wastes; and building capacity.

UNEP/CHW.11/3/Add.1Follow-up to the Indonesian-Swiss country-led initiative to improve the effectiveness of the Basel Convention: Draft framework for the environmentally sound management of hazardous wastes and other wastes264.5 K145.51 K
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Note by the Secretariat

As referred to in document UNEP/CHW.11/3 on the follow-up to the Indonesian-Swiss country-led initiative to improve the effectiveness of the Basel Convention, the present addendum sets out in its annex the draft framework for the environmentally sound management of hazardous wastes and other wastes.

UNEP/CHW.11/3/Add.1/Rev.1Follow-up to the Indonesian-Swiss country-led initiative to improve the effectiveness of the Basel Convention: Framework for the environmentally sound management of hazardous wastes and other wastes339.14 K
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Note by the Secretariat

At its eleventh meeting, the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention adopted, as amended, in decision BC-11/1 on the follow-up to the Indonesian-Swiss country-led initiative to improve the effectiveness of the Basel Convention, the framework for the environmentally sound management of hazardous wastes and other wastes on the basis of the draft framework contained in document UNEP/CHW.11/3/Add.1, which was developed by the technical expert group. The text of the final version of the framework is set out in the annex to the present addendum.

UNEP/CHW.11/3/Add.2Follow-up to the Indonesian-Swiss country-led initiative to improve the effectiveness of the Basel Convention: Providing further legal clarity: draft glossary of certain terms106.5 K65.46 K
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Note by the Secretariat

1. As referred to in the note by the Secretariat on the follow-up to the Indonesian-Swiss country led initiative to improve the effectiveness of the Basel Convention (UNEP/CHW.11/3), the present addendum sets out in its annex a draft glossary of terms, dated 30 November 2012 and elaborated by the Secretariat, as requested by the Open-ended Working Group in its decision OEWG 8/7. The Secretariat has also prepared a note compiling the comments received from parties and others on the attached draft glossary (UNEP/CHW.11/INF/4). With regard to the possible options for the interpretation of terms, considering both voluntary and legally binding one, the Secretariat has prepared a note compiling comments submitted by parties and others (UNEP/CHW.11/INF/5).

UNEP/CHW.11/4Report on progress on the implementation of the Strategic Framework77.5 K53.2 K
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Note by the Secretariat


1.At its tenth meeting, the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal adopted decision BC-10/2 on the strategic framework for the implementation of the Basel Convention for 2012–2021, by which it adopted the strategic framework set out in the annex to the decision and encouraged parties to take specific actions to implement it through the activities listed in the biennial programme of work. Parties and others in a position to do so were called upon to mobilize resources and to provide financial and other resources, including in-kind support, for the implementation of the framework.

UNEP/CHW.11/5Basel Convention regional and coordinating centres121.5 K61.3 K
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Note by the Secretariat


1.In its decision BC-10/4 on the review and strengthening of the operation of the Basel Convention regional and coordinating centres, the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal took note of four documents submitted to it at its tenth meeting and requested the Basel Convention regional and coordinating centres to submit the following to the Secretariat:

UNEP/CHW.11/5/Add.1Basel Convention regional and coordinating centres: Process for evaluating the performance and sustainability of the Basel Convention regional and coordinating centres138.5 K64.35 K
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Process for evaluating the performance and sustainability of the Basel Convention regional and coordinating centres

Note by the Secretariat


1.As referred to in document UNEP/CHW.11/5 on Basel Convention regional and coordinating centres, the Expanded Bureau agreed at its meeting on 12 and 13 November 2012 that a similar process to that under the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants could be applied for evaluating the performance and sustainability of the regional centres under the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal and requested the Secretariat to submit a proposal for consideration by the Conference of the Parties at its eleventh meeting.

UNEP/CHW.11/6Partnership for Action on Computing Equipment89 K56.3 K
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Note by the Secretariat


1.In its decision BC-10/20, on the Partnership for Action on Computing Equipment, the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal agreed to extend the mandate of the Partnership until the end of 2013 to complete the work programme as set out in the annex to the decision, and encouraged the Partnership Working Group to revise the guidance document on environmentally sound management of used and end-of-life computing equipment based on the results of evaluation studies and any additional information provided, and to submit it to the Open-ended Working Group for consideration at its eighth meeting.

UNEP/CHW.11/6/Add.1Partnership for Action on Computing Equipment: revised guidance document on the environmentally sound management of used and end-of-life computing equipment1.7 MB620.15 K
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Note by the Secretariat

As referred to in document UNEP/CHW.11/6 on the Partnership for Action on Computing Equipment, the present addendum sets out in its annex the revised guidance document on the environmentally sound management of used and end-of-life computing equipment.

UNEP/CHW.11/6/Add.1/Rev.1Partnership for Action on Computing Equipment: Revised guidance document on the environmentally sound management of used and end-of-life computing equipment1.49 MB1.31 MB
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Note by the Secretariat

1. At its eleventh meeting, the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention adopted, as amended in decision BC-11/15 on Partnership for Action on Computing Equipment, sections 1, 2, 4 and 5 of the guidance document on environmentally sound management of used and end of life computing equipment on the basis of the revised guidance document set out in document UNEP/CHW.11/6/Add.1, prepared by the Partnership Working Group.

UNEP/CHW.11/7Technical guidelines104.5 K75.87 K
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Note by the Secretariat

I. Technical guidelines on transboundary movements of electronic and electrical waste (e-waste), in particular regarding the distinction between waste and non-waste

A. Introduction

1. In its decision BC-10/5, on technical guidelines on transboundary movements of electronic and electrical waste (e waste), in particular regarding the distinction between waste and non-waste, the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal invited parties to consider serving as lead countries for the further development of the technical guidelines and to inform the Secretariat of their willingness to do so by 31 January 2012. It also decided to establish a small intersessional working group to monitor and assist in the further development of the guidelines.

UNEP/CHW.11/7/Add.1Technical guidelines: Technical guidelines on transboundary movements of electronic and electrical waste (e-waste), in particular regarding the distinction between waste and non-waste282.5 K219.57 K
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Note by the Secretariat

As referred to in document UNEP/CHW.11/7 on technical guidelines, the annex to the present note contains the draft technical guidelines on transboundary movements of electronic and electrical waste (e-waste), in particular regarding the distinction between waste and non-waste under the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal. The annex to the present note has not been formally edited.

UNEP/CHW.11/8Applications for new entries to Annex IX to the Basel Convention79.5 K50.47 K
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Note by the Secretariat

I. Introduction

1. At its eighth meeting, the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal adopted decision VIII/15 on revisions to the procedure for the review or adjustment of the lists of wastes contained in Annexes VIII and IX to the Convention. According to the revised procedure, applications for any changes to Annexes VIII or IX received by the Secretariat at least three months prior to a meeting of the Open ended Working Group will be forwarded to the Open-ended Working Group for its consideration at that meeting. The decision of the Open ended Working Group on any such application will be transmitted in a report, through the Secretariat, to the Conference of the Parties at its next meeting.

UNEP/CHW.11/9Classification and hazard characterization of wastes: review of cooperation with the World Customs Organization and its Harmonized System Committee66 K47.88 K
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Note by the Secretariat


1.In its decision BC-10/10 on the review of cooperation with the World Customs Organization (WCO) and its Harmonized System Committee, the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal requested the Secretariat to pursue its cooperation with the WCO secretariat, the Harmonized System Committee, the Harmonized System Review Subcommittee and the Scientific Subcommittee of WCO.

UNEP/CHW.11/10Committee for Administering the Mechanism for Promoting Implementation and Compliance of the Basel Convention150 K100.25 K
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Note by the Secretariat

I. Introduction

1. By its decision BC-10/11, the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal adopted a work programme for the Committee for Administering the Mechanism for Promoting Implementation and Compliance of the Basel Convention for the period 2012–2013.

UNEP/CHW.11/10/Add.1Committee for Administering the Mechanism for Promoting Implementation and Compliance of the Basel Convention: Terms of reference for cooperative arrangements on preventing and combating illegal traffic84.5 K49.85 K
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Note by the Secretariat

As referred to in the note by the Secretariat on the Committee for Administering the Mechanism for Promoting Implementation and Compliance of the Basel Convention (UNEP/CHW.11/10), the present addendum sets out in its annex the draft terms of reference for cooperative arrangements on preventing and combating illegal traffic, prepared by the Committee for Administering the Mechanism for Promoting Implementation and Compliance of the Basel Convention.

UNEP/CHW.11/11Membership of the Committee for Administering the Mechanism for Promoting Implementation and Compliance of the Basel Convention103 K54.29 K
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Note by the Secretariat

I. Introduction

1. By its decision VI/12, the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal established a mechanism for promoting implementation of and compliance with the obligations under the Convention and adopted terms of reference for the mechanism as set out in the appendix to that decision. The terms of reference provide for the establishment of a committee charged with administering the mechanism, which is known as the Committee for Administering the Mechanism for Promoting Implementation and Compliance of the Basel Convention, and set forth procedures for electing Committee members.

UNEP/CHW.11/12National legislation, notifications, enforcement of the Convention and efforts to combat illegal traffic104 K69.21 K
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Note by the Secretariat


1.In its decision BC-10/13, on national legislation, enforcement of the Convention and efforts to combat illegal traffic, the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal requested the Secretariat to continue to provide, upon request, advice and assistance on matters related to the implementation and enforcement of the Convention and to continue to maintain a collection of national legislation and other measures adopted by parties to implement the Convention, making them, along with forms submitted by parties reporting confirmed cases of illegal traffic, available on the Basel Convention website.

UNEP/CHW.11/13National reporting81.5 K51.51 K
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Note by the Secretariat

I. Introduction

1. In its decision BC-10/14 on national reporting, the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal, among other things, urged parties that had not yet done so to transmit to the Secretariat their completed questionnaires on the transmission of information for 2009 and for previous years, as soon as possible and in electronic form, using the revised questionnaire adopted by the Conference of the Parties at its sixth meeting and bearing in mind that, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 3 of Article 13 of the Convention, parties must transmit before the end of each calendar year a report on the previous calendar year. In addition, the Conference of the Parties requested the Secretariat to prepare and publish an annual compilation document for each of the years 2008-2010 and, for the triennium 2010-2012, a summary document and a country fact sheet for each party submitting completed questionnaires on the transmission of information.

UNEP/CHW.11/14Implementation of decision V/32 on the enlargement of the scope of the Trust Fund to Assist Developing and Other Countries in Need of Technical Assistance in the Implementation of the Basel Convention91.5 K57.85 K
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Note by the Secretariat

I. Introduction

1. The Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention has adopted a number of decisions pertaining to the enlargement of the scope of the Trust Fund to Assist Developing and Other Countries in Need of Technical Assistance in the Implementation of the Basel Convention, including decisions V/32, VI/14 and BC 10/22.

UNEP/CHW.11/15Technical assistance and capacity-building for the implementation of the Basel Convention82 K46.32 K
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Note by the Secretariat

I. Introduction

1. In its decision BC-10/23 on capacity-building for the implementation of the Basel Convention, the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal requested the following from the Secretariat:

UNEP/CHW.11/16Environmentally sound dismantling of ships90 K58.34 K
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Note by the Secretariat

I. Introduction

1. By its decision BC-10/17 on the environmentally sound dismantling of ships, the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal noted that while some parties believed that the Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships provided an equivalent level of control and enforcement to that established under the Basel Convention, some parties did not believe that to be the case. By the same decision, the Conference of the Parties encouraged parties to ratify the Hong Kong Convention to enable its early entry into force while acknowledging that the Basel Convention should continue to assist countries to apply the Basel Convention as it relates to ships.

UNEP/CHW.11/17Cooperation between the Basel Convention and the International Maritime Organization87 K58.57 K
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Note by the Secretariat

I. Introduction

1. In decision BC-10/16 on cooperation between the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal and the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention requested the Secretariat to undertake several activities pertaining to the issue of wastes generated on board ships and the relationship between the Basel Convention and the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto and as further amended by the Protocol of 1997 (MARPOL).

UNEP/CHW.11/18International cooperation and coordination89.5 K48.06 K
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Note by the Secretariat

I. Introduction

1. In its decision BC-10/15, on international cooperation and coordination, the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal requested the Secretariat to further strengthen cooperation and coordination with international and regional organizations and multilateral environmental agreements in areas of relevance to the Convention, including in the areas and with the organizations listed in the report on international cooperation for 2009–2011 prepared by the Secretariat pursuant to decision IX/11 for the information of the Conference of the Parties at its tenth meeting. The Conference of the Parties also requested the Secretariat to continue its efforts to seek observer status in the Committee on Trade and Environment of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and to advise the parties when WTO granted its request.

UNEP/CHW.11/19Implementation of the relevant decisions of the Conference of the Parties on resource mobilization and sustainable financing86 K45.35 K
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Note by the Secretariat


1.In its decision VIII/34 on resource mobilization and sustainable financing, the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal highlighted the importance of strengthening linkages with resource mobilization strategies of other relevant multilateral agreements, approaches and processes. The decision recognized the challenges of mainstreaming hazardous wastes into development processes in developing countries and the need to develop relevant capacities.

UNEP/CHW.11/20Operations and work programme of the Open-ended Working Group for 2014–2015123 K63.06 K
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Note by the Secretariat


A.Work programme of the Open-ended Working Group for 2014–2015

1.In accordance with the work programme of the Open-ended Working Group of the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal, set out in decision BC-10/25, the Working Group held its eighth meeting, in Geneva, from 25 to 28 September 2012. The report of the meeting is contained in document UNEP/CHW/OEWG.8/16.

UNEP/CHW.11/20/Add.1Operations and work programme of the Open-ended Working Group for 2014–2015: Options for operations of the Open-ended Working Group149 K78.72 K
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Note by the Secretariat

I. Introduction

1. At its meeting on 12 and 13 November 2012, the Expanded Bureau concluded that, in its current format, the Open-ended Working Group was not making optimum use of available resources and expertise. The Secretariat was requested to prepare, in consultation with the Expanded Bureau, different options for the operation of the Open-ended Working Group for consideration by the Conference of the Parties at its eleventh meeting.

UNEP/CHW.11/21Official communications244.5 K96.1 K
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Note by the Secretariat

I. Introduction

1. Communication with and between the parties to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal on matters relating to the Convention is accomplished through:

UNEP/CHW.11/22Admission of observers426 K87.31 K
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Note by the Secretariat

I. Introduction

1. Paragraph 6 of Article 15 of the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal provides the following:

UNEP/CHW.11/23Draft memorandum of understanding between the United Nations Environment Programme and the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal116 K80.95 K
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Note by the Secretariat

I. Introduction

1. At its meeting held on 12 and 13 November 2012, the Expanded Bureau of the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal was informed of the action taken by the Bureau of the Conference of the Parties to the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants on the development of a memorandum of understanding between the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Conference of the Parties to the Stockholm Convention to better formalize their relationship (UNEP/POPS/COP.6/32). The Expanded Bureau decided to invite the Executive Director of UNEP to consider the development of a memorandum of understanding with the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention.

UNEP/CHW.11/24Report of the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal on the work of its eleventh meeting 1.93 MB1.99 MB
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The eleventh ordinary meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal was held at the Geneva International Conference Centre from 28 April to 10 May 2013.

The meeting was held in coordination with the sixth ordinary meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade, the sixth ordinary meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants and the second simultaneous extraordinary meetings of the conferences of the parties to the three conventions.

Information Documents

 Document SymbolTitleDownload
 Items: 37 Files: 71
UNEP/CHW.11/INF/1Provisional list of meeting documents organized by provisional agenda item and by document symbol214 K75.93 K
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Note by the Secretariat

Annexes I and II to the present note set out provisional lists of meeting documents for the eleventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention. The documents listed in annex I are grouped according to the items on the provisional agenda for the meeting to which they pertain. Those listed in annex II are organized by document symbol.

UNEP/CHW.11/INF/2Report on the implementation of the Basel Convention as it relates to the interpretation of certain terminology11.3 MB615.83 K
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Note by the Secretariat

As referred to in document UNEP/CHW.11/3 on the follow-up to the Indonesian-Swiss country-led initiative to improve the effectiveness of the Basel Convention, the annex to the present note contains the report on the implementation of the Basel Convention as it relates to the interpretation of certain terminology that was finalized and taken note of by the Open-ended Working Group at its eighth meeting. The annex to the present note has not been formally edited.

UNEP/CHW.11/INF/3Study on used and end-of-life goods410 K287.44 K
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Executive Summary

In accordance with Decision BC-10/3, this study identifies options for dealing with the problem posed by the transboundary movement and disposal of used and end-of-life goods (“UELG”). These goods do not easily fit the paradigm of wastes to be permanently disposed of. The re-use or recycling of such goods can conserve resources and provide significant economic opportunity to both exporting and importing States. At the same time, export of such goods, especially when not accomplished for the purported purpose of re-use, carries risk to health and the environment, particularly in countries that lack the necessary capacity and infrastructure to manage them properly, including assuring environmentally sound management and disposal of any hazardous components. In addition, lack of clarity regarding the status of these goods under the Basel Convention, combined with divergent national approaches, have complicated efforts to effectively manage their transboundary movement.

UNEP/CHW.11/INF/4Follow-up to the Indonesian-Swiss country-led initiative to improve the effectiveness of the Basel Convention: Providing further legal clarity: comments on the draft glossary of certain terms12.47 MB9.76 MB
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Note by the Secretariat

As referred to in documents UNEP/CHW.11/3, on follow-up to the Indonesian-Swiss country led initiative to improve the effectiveness of the Basel Convention, and UNEP/CHW.11/3/Add.2, on the draft glossary of certain terms, the annex to the present note contains a compilation of comments received from parties and others as at 1 March 2013 on the draft glossary of certain terms dated 30 November 2012. The comments received are presented as received and have not been formally edited.

UNEP/CHW.11/INF/5Follow-up to the Indonesian-Swiss country-led initiative to improve the effectiveness of the Basel Convention: Comments on options for the interpretation of terms100 K47.39 K
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Comments on options for the interpretation of terms

Note by the Secretariat

As referred to in document UNEP/CHW.11/3 on the follow-up to the Indonesian-Swiss country led initiative to improve the effectiveness of the Basel Convention and in document UNEP/CHW.11/3/Add.2 that contains a draft glossary of certain terms, the annex to the present note sets out a compilation of comments received from parties and others on the options for the interpretation of terms, considering both voluntary and legally-binding options. Certain comments on options for the interpretation of terms were received as part of overall comments on the draft glossary of terms set out in document UNEP/CHW.11/INF/4. In such cases, those comments were extracted and included in the annex to the present note. The comments set out in the annex are presented as received and have not been formally edited.

UNEP/CHW.11/INF/6Report on the creation of a baseline for the mid-term and final evaluations of the strategic framework1.43 MB324.37 K
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Note by the Secretariat

As referred to in document UNEP/CHW.11/4 on the report on progress on the implementation of the strategic framework, the annex to the present note contains a report on the creation of a baseline for the mid-term and final evaluations of the strategic framework of the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal, prepared by Duncan Bury Consulting. The annex to the present note has not been formally edited.

UNEP/CHW.11/INF/7Activities undertaken by the Secretariat pertaining to the Basel Convention from 1 October 2011 to 31 December 2012132.5 K98.52 K
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Note by the Secretariat

1.The annex to the present note sets out a report prepared by the Secretariat on its activities pertaining to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal from 1 October 2011 to 31 December 2012, which were undertaken in accordance with its mandate under the Convention and as decided by the Conference of the Parties. The annex to the present note has not been formally edited.

UNEP/CHW.11/INF/8Basel Convention regional and coordinating centres: business plans for the biennium 2012–2013103.5 K42.63 K
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Note by the Secretariat

1. The annex to the present note contains a table listing the status of submissions to the Secretariat of business plans for the biennium 2012–2013 by Basel Convention regional and coordinating centres pursuant to paragraph 2 of decision BC-10/4, as at 15 October 2012.

UNEP/CHW.11/INF/9Activity reports for the period 2011–2012 by Basel Convention regional and coordinating centres102.5 K43.08 K
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Note by the Secretariat

1. As referred to in document UNEP/CHW.11/5 on the Basel Convention regional and coordinating centres, the annex to the present note contains a table listing the status of submissions to the Secretariat of activity reports for the period January 2011–December 2012 by Basel Convention regional and coordinating centres as at 26 January 2013, pursuant to paragraph 3 of decision BC-10/4. The annex to the present note has not been formally edited.

UNEP/CHW.11/INF/10Business plans for the biennium 2014–2015 by Basel Convention regional and coordinating centres99 K43.06 K
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Note by the Secretariat

1. As referred to in document UNEP/CHW.11/5 on the Basel Convention regional and coordinating centres, the annex to the present note contains a table listing the status of submissions to the Secretariat of business plans for the biennium 2014–2015 by Basel Convention regional and coordinating centres as at 14 February 2013, pursuant to paragraph 3 of decision BC-10/4. The annex to the present note has not been formally edited.

UNEP/CHW.11/INF/11Progress report by the co-chairs of the Partnership for Action on Computing Equipment Working Group80 K54.92 K
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Note by the Secretariat

As referred to in document UNEP/CHW.11/6 on the Partnership for Action on Computing Equipment (PACE), the annex to the present note contains a report on progress made by the Partnership, as presented by the co-chairs of the PACE Working Group. The annex to the present note has not been formally edited.

UNEP/CHW.11/INF/12Guideline on environmentally sound testing, refurbishment and repair of used computing equipment1.36 MB411.33 K
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Note by the Secretariat

1. As referred to in document UNEP/CHW.11/6 on the Partnership for Action on Computing Equipment, the annex to the present note contains the final draft guideline on environmentally sound testing, refurbishment and repair of used computing equipment; it has not been formally edited.

UNEP/CHW.11/INF/12/Rev.1Revised guideline on environmentally sound testing, refurbishment and repair of used computing equipment1.21 MB355.13 K
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Note by the Secretariat

The annex to the present note contains the final revised guideline on environmentally sound testing, refurbishment and repair of used computing equipment. The guideline was revised in order to make it consistent with changes made to the glossary of terms in appendix I to the revised guidance document on the environmentally sound management of used and end-of-life computing equipment (UNEP/CHW.11/6/Add.1/Rev.1) as adopted by the Conference of the Parties at its eleventh meeting. The annex has not been formally edited.

UNEP/CHW.11/INF/13Guideline on environmentally sound material recovery and recycling of end-of-life computing equipment4.11 MB1.64 MB
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Note by the Secretariat

1. As referred to in document UNEP/CHW.11/6 on the Partnership for Action on Computing Equipment, the annex to the present note contains the final draft guideline on environmentally sound material recovery and recycling of end-of-life computing equipment. It has not been formally edited.

UNEP/CHW.11/INF/13/Rev.1Revised guideline on environmentally sound material recovery and recycling of end-of-life computing equipment2.82 MB1.05 MB
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Note by the Secretariat

The annex to the present note contains the final revised guideline on environmentally sound material recovery and recycling of end-of-life computing equipment. The guideline was revised in order to make it consistent with section 5 of the revised guidance document on the environmentally sound management of used and end-of-life computing equipment and changes to the glossary of terms in appendix I to that document (UNEP/CHW.11/6/Add.1/Rev.1) as adopted by the Conference of the Parties at its eleventh meeting. The annex has not been formally edited.

UNEP/CHW.11/INF/14Committee for Administering the Mechanism for Promoting Implementation and Compliance of the Basel Convention: classification and publication of parties’ individual compliance performance with regard to the annual reporting obligation4 MB1.07 MB
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Note by the Secretariat

As referred to in document UNEP/CHW.11/10, the present note contains the classification of parties’ compliance performance with regard to the annual reporting obligation for the years 2009 and 2010 and an explanatory note (annex I). Annex II to the present note sets out comments received from parties on the classification. The annexes have not been formally edited.

UNEP/CHW.11/INF/15Further development of the Basel Waste Solutions Circle85.5 K114.37 K
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Note by the Secretariat

1. In its decision BC-10/26 on further development of the Basel Waste Solutions Circle, the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal took note of the draft outline of the Basel Waste Solutions Circle concept, including the process and criteria for admissions and awards in relation to the Circle (see UNEP/CHW.10/INF/49). In the same decision, the Conference of the Parties requested the Bureau, together with one representative of the business and industry sector and one representative of the civil society sector, to serve as the Circle’s admissions and awards committee, and invited the business and industry sector and the civil society sector to nominate one representative each to serve on the committee. Finally, the Conference of the Parties requested the Secretariat to report on the implementation of the aforementioned decision to the Open-ended Working Group at its eighth meeting.

UNEP/CHW.11/INF/16The experience of parties in using technical guidelines for the environmentally sound management of used tyres, of wastes consisting of elemental mercury and wastes containing or contaminated with mercury and of co-processing of hazardous waste in cement kilns79 K44.43 K
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Note by the Secretariat

As referred to in document UNEP/CHW.11/7 on technical guidelines, the annex to the present note contains comments received from parties on their experience in using technical guidelines for the environmentally sound management of used tyres, of wastes consisting of elemental mercury and wastes containing or contaminated with mercury and of co-processing of hazardous waste in cement kilns. By the end of February 2013, the Secretariat had received comments from one party, which are set out in the annex to the present note. The comments are presented as received and have not been formally edited.

UNEP/CHW.11/INF/17Comments received from parties on applications for new entries to Annex IX to the Basel Convention730.5 K1.34 MB
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Note by the Secretariat

As referred to in document UNEP/CHW.11/8 on applications for new entries to Annex IX to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal, the annex to the present note contains comments submitted by parties to the Secretariat since 6 November 2012, on the proposed amendments to Annex IX to the Basel Convention and on the associated draft text, as referred to in decision OEWG-8/6 of the Open-ended Working Group on applications for new entries to Annex IX to the Basel Convention. Comments were received from Canada, the Central African Republic, the European Union and its member States and Mexico. The annex to the present note has not been formally edited.

UNEP/CHW.11/INF/18Committee for Administering the Mechanism for Promoting Implementation and Compliance of the Basel Convention: selected documents5.86 MB5.08 MB
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Note by the Secretariat

I. Introduction

1. As referred to in document UNEP/CHW.11/10 on the Committee for Administering the Mechanism for Promoting Implementation and Compliance of the Basel Convention, the annexes to the present note set out selected documents of relevance to the progress achieved by the Committee in implementing its 2012–2013 work programme. Annex I sets out a draft preliminary guide on the development of inventories, annex II contains a draft guide on the take-back procedure and annex III sets out a draft revised version of the Guide to the Control System. The annexes have not been formally edited.

UNEP/CHW.11/INF/19Additional information on national reporting76.5 K49.52 K
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Note by the Secretariat

I. Introduction

1. Pursuant to decision BC-10/14 on national reporting, the Secretariat has processed national reports for various years. As at 22 August 2012, the Secretariat had entered data on the national reporting database for the year 2010. In addition, in 2011 and 2012 the Secretariat entered data regarding late reports for 2007, 2008 and 2009.

UNEP/CHW.11/INF/20Report on the implementation of decision V/32 in responding to emergency situations238 K149.46 K
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Note by the Secretariat

As referred to in document UNEP/CHW.11/14 on the implementation of decision V/32 on the enlargement of the scope of the Trust Fund to Assist Developing and Other Countries in Need of Technical Assistance in the Implementation of the Basel Convention, the annex to the present note contains a draft report prepared by the Secretariat on the implementation of decision V/32 in responding to emergency situations pursuant to paragraph 1 of decision BC-10/22. It has not been formally edited.

UNEP/CHW.11/INF/21Programme for the delivery of technical assistance for the implementation of the Basel Convention287.5 K139.95 K
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Note by the Secretariat

As referred to in document UNEP/CHW.11/15, on technical assistance and capacity-building for the implementation of the Basel Convention, the annex to the present note sets out the technical assistance programme for the implementation of the Basel Convention. Section I contains the Secretariat’s programme for the delivery of technical assistance for the implementation of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions. Section II sets out a programmatic approach for the delivery of technical assistance relevant to the mandates under the Basel Convention and the decisions adopted by the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention. The annex to the present note has not been formally edited.

UNEP/CHW.11/INF/22Legal analysis of the application of the Basel Convention to hazardous and other wastes generated on board ships210 K167.52 K
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Note by the Secretariat

As referred in document UNEP/CHW.11/17 on cooperation between the Basel Convention and the International Maritime Organization, the annex to the present note contains the legal analysis of the application of the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal to hazardous and other wastes generated on board ships, prepared by the Secretariat. The annex to the present note has not been formally edited.

UNEP/CHW.11/INF/23Comments from parties and others on the legal analysis of the application of the Basel Convention to hazardous wastes and other wastes generated on board ships10.57 MB3.81 MB
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Note by the Secretariat

1. As referred to in document UNEP/CHW.11/17 on cooperation between the Basel Convention and the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the annexes to the present note contain comments received from parties and other stakeholders on two versions of the legal analysis of the application of the Basel Convention to hazardous wastes and other wastes generated on board ships.

UNEP/CHW.11/INF/24Report on international cooperation and coordination and on the Basel Convention Partnership Programme113.5 K65 K
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Note by the Secretariat

1. As referred to in document UNEP/CHW.11/18 on international cooperation and coordination, the annex to the present note contains a report on international cooperation activities specific to the Basel Convention, including its partnership programme. The annex to this present note has not been formally edited.

UNEP/CHW.11/INF/25Additional information on the implementation of the relevant decisions of the Conference of the Parties on resource mobilization and sustainable financing88 K49.55 K
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Note by the Secretariat

1. As referred to in document UNEP/CHW.11/19 on implementation of the relevant decisions of the Conference of the Parties on resource mobilization and sustainable financing, the present note provides additional information on progress made in the implementation of decision BC-10/24 on the implementation of the decisions of the Conference of the Parties on resource mobilization and sustainable financing, and of the relevant provisions of decisions BC-10/29, RC 5/12 and SC-5/27 on enhancing cooperation and coordination among the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions (hereinafter referred to as the “2011 synergies decisions”) regarding the cross-cutting and joint activities related to resource mobilization.

UNEP/CHW.11/INF/26Programme of work and proposed budget for the biennium 2014–2015: Basel Convention proposal, including joint activities1.57 MB
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Note by the Secretariat

1. At its tenth meeting, the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal adopted decision BC-10/27 on the programme budget for the biennium 2012–2013, in which, among other things, it:

UNEP/CHW.11/INF/27Information on financial matters643.42 K
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Note by the Secretariat

1. By its decision BC-10/28, the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention adopted financial rules for the operation of the Conference of the Parties, its subsidiary bodies and the Secretariat. Paragraph 1 of rule 3 as so adopted, which deals with the budget, requires the Executive Secretary to dispatch reports on the actual income and expenditure for each year of the previous biennium and estimates of actual expenditures in the current biennium, to all parties to the Convention at least 90 days before the opening of the meeting of the Conference of the Parties at which the budget for a given biennium is adopted.

UNEP/CHW.11/INF/28Implementation of the Basel Convention programme budget for 2012585.5 K229.92 K
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Note by the Secretariat

The annex to the present note contains a report prepared by the Secretariat, as at 31 December 2012, on the implementation of the programme budget approved by the Conference of the Parties in decision BC-10/27. It describes expenditures incurred under the general and the technical cooperation trust funds of the Basel Convention and provides information on related voluntary contributions made by donors for the implementation of these activities. The report has been reproduced without formal editing.

UNEP/CHW.11/INF/29Updated information on financial matters837.8 K
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Note by the Secretariat

As referred to in paragraph 4 of document UNEP/CHW.11/INF/27 on information on financial matters, the annexes to the present note set forth updated information on expenditures and on contributions pledged or received. The annexes, which have not been formally edited, are organized as follows:

UNEP/CHW.11/INF/30/Rev.1Admission of observers to meetings of the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention94 K45.45 K
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Note by the Secretariat

As referred to in document UNEP/CHW.11/22 on admission of observers, the annex to the present note contains a list of bodies and agencies that had not previously been admitted to meetings of the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal and that are requesting admission to participate in such meetings as observers in accordance with rule 7 of the Rules of Procedure for meetings of the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention, as at 25 February 2013. The annex to the present note has not been formally edited.

UNEP/CHW.11/INF/31Capacity-building and training activities organized by the Secretariat from May 2011 to December 2012176.5 K87.38 K
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Note by the Secretariat

As referred to in document UNEP/CHW.11/15 on technical assistance and capacity-building for the implementation of the Basel Convention, the annex to the present note sets out tables listing capacity-building and training activities organized by the Secretariat of the Basel Convention on the Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal, from May 2011 to December 2012. Regional and national-level activities are described in table 1, global-level activities are listed in table 2 and relevant projects are set out in table 3. The annex to the present note has not been formally edited.

UNEP/CHW.11/INF/32Basel Convention capacity-building and training activities planned by the Secretariat for 2013112.5 K67.54 K
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Note by the Secretariat

As referred to in document UNEP/CHW.11/15 on technical assistance and capacity-building for the implementation of the Basel Convention, the annex to the present note contains information on Basel Convention capacity-building and training activities, planned by the Secretariat to take place between 1 January and 31 December 2013. Table 1 lists capacity-building and training workshops and table 2 lists webinars and online meetings. The annex to the present note has not been formally edited.

UNEP/CHW.11/INF/33Progress report on the implementation of the programme of work for the development, review and updating of technical guidelines for the environmentally sound management of wastes consisting of, containing or contaminated with persistent organic pollutants469.5 K159.34 K
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Note by the Secretariat

1. The annex to the present note contains the progress report, as at 18 February 2013, on the implementation of the programme of work for the development, review and updating of technical guidelines for the environmentally sound management of wastes consisting of, containing or contaminated with persistent organic pollutants, as submitted by Canada.

UNEP/CHW.11/INF/34Communication from the United Nations Office of Legal Affairs on the number of parties to the Basel Convention at the time of adoption of the Ban Amendment382.5 K384.24 K
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Note by the Secretariat

1. At its tenth meeting, the Conference of the Parties adopted decision BC-10/3, on the Indonesi Swiss country-led initiative to improve the effectiveness of the Basel Convention. In that decision, among other things, the Parties agreed

UNEP/CHW.11/INF/35Submission by the United Nations Environment Programme on a draft memorandum of understanding between the United Nations Environment Programme and the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal128 K69.17 K
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Note by the Secretariat

The annex to the present note sets out a revised version, submitted by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), of the draft memorandum of understanding between UNEP and the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal contained in the annex to the note by the Secretariat in document UNEP/CHW.11/23. The revised version of the draft memorandum is being circulated as provided by UNEP and has not been formally edited