BC-III/1 | Amendment to the Basel Convention |  |
BC-III/2 | Liability and Compensation |   |
BC-III/3 | Emergency Fund |   |
BC-III/4 | Subsidiary Bodies under the Conference of the Parties of the Basel Convention |   |
BC-III/5 | Illegal traffic in hazardous wastes and other wastes |   |
BC-III/6 | Model National Legislation for the transboundary movement and management of hazardous wastes |   |
BC-III/7 | Designation of Competent Authorities and Focal Points |   |
BC-III/8 | Manual for the Implementation of the Basel Convention |   |
BC-III/9 | Bilateral, multilateral and regional agreements or arrangements
|   |
BC-III/10 | Evaluation of the effectiveness of the Basel Convention
|   |
BC-III/11 | Monitoring the implementation of and compliance with the obligations set out by the Basel Convention |   |
BC-III/12 | Hazard characterization |   |
BC-III/13 | Technical Guidelines for the environmentally sound management of wastes subject to the Basel Convention |   |
BC-III/14 | Transboundary movements of hazardous wastes destined for recovery operations
|   |
BC-III/15 | Possible effects of the Basel Convention on the transboundary movements of reclaimed ozone-depleting chemicals |   |
BC-III/16 | Documentation: Notification and Movement Document |   |
BC-III/17 | Transmission of information |   |
BC-III/18 | Establishment of the Information Management System on Wastes (IMSW) of the Basel Convention |   |
BC-III/19 | Establishment of Regional or Sub-regional Centres for Training and Technology Transfer regarding the management of hazardous wastes and other wastes and the minimization of their generation |   |
BC-III/20 | Training and seminars related to the Basel Convention |   |
BC-III/21 | Technical assistance under the Basel Convention including for the Implementation of Agenda 21
|   |
BC-III/22 | Cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency |   |
BC-III/23 | Relationship of the Basel Convention and the London Convention, 1972 |   |
BC-III/24 | Cooperation between the International Maritime Organization and the Basel Convention, in the review of existing rules, regulations and practices with respect to transport of hazardous wastes by sea |   |
BC-III/25 | Follow-up to UNEP Governing Council decisions concerning environmentally sound management of hazardous wastes |   |
BC-III/26 | Cooperation with UN bodies, specialized agencies and regional systems and organizations |   |
BC-III/27 | Cooperation between the Basel Convention and the activities undertaken at the global level leading to the development of the legally binding instrument on trade in hazardous chemicals including the Prior Informed Consent (PIC) concept. |   |
BC-III/28 | Institutional, financial and procedural arrangements |   |