UNEP/CHW.9/INF/1 | Scenario note for the ninth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention |  |
UNEP/CHW.9/INF/2 | Waste management for human health and livelihood |  |
UNEP/CHW.9/INF/3 | Report on projects and capacity-building activities |  |
UNEP/CHW.9/INF/4 | Report on the implementation of the Strategic Plan, taking into account the review of the operation of the Basel Convention regional and coordinating centres and the role of the Basel Convention Partnership Programme |  |
UNEP/CHW.9/INF/5 | Compilation of comments received from Parties on the developments and obstacles in the implementation of the Strategic Plan |  |
UNEP/CHW.9/INF/6 | Report on the operation of the Basel Convention regional and coordinating centres |  |
UNEP/CHW.9/INF/6/Add.1 | Evaluation of technology transfer activities under the Basel Convention |  |
UNEP/CHW.9/INF/7 | Compilation of the comments received on the draft report on the operation of the Basel Convention regional and coordinating centres |  |
UNEP/CHW.9/INF/8 | Proposal for the establishment of the Basel Convention Regional Centre for South Asia at the South Asia Co-operative Environment Programme (SACEP), Colombia, Sri Lanka |  |
UNEP/CHW.9/INF/8/Add.1 | Establishment of the Basel Convention Regional Centre for South Asia at the South Asia Co-operative Environment Programme: Needs Assessment Report |  |
UNEP/CHW.9/INF/9 | Comments on the proposal for the establishment of the Basel Convention Regional Centre for South Asia at the South Asia Co-operative Environment Programme (SACEP), Colombo, Sri Lanka by the Secretariat of the Basel Convention |  |
UNEP/CHW.9/INF/10 | Basel Convention Partnership Programme: progress on the implementation of the workplan for 2007–2008 and workplan for 2009–2010 |   |
UNEP/CHW.9/INF/10/Corr.1 | Partnership for Action on Computing Equipment: overview of global activities on environmentally sound management of used and end-of-life computing equipment
equipment |  |
UNEP/CHW.9/INF/11 | Options for a Global E-waste Advisory Body |  |
UNEP/CHW.9/INF/12 | Report of the Interim Group on the Partnership for Action on Computing Equipment |  |
UNEP/CHW.9/INF/13 | Compilation of comments and proposals received from Parties and others pursuant to decision OEWG-VI/21 on Mobile Phone Partnership Initiative |  |
UNEP/CHW.9/INF/14 | Partnerships: future directions |  |
UNEP/CHW.9/INF/14/Rev.1 | Partnerships: future directions |  |
UNEP/CHW.9/INF/15 | Information note on the accomplishments and future activities of the Mobile Phone Partnership Initiative |  |
UNEP/CHW.9/INF/16 | Progress report on the Mobile Phone Partnership Initiative |  |
UNEP/CHW.9/INF/17 | Basel Business Forum Partnership |  |
UNEP/CHW.9/INF/18 | Basel NGO Forum Partnership |  |
UNEP/CHW.9/INF/19 | Summary of the co-chairs of the ad hoc joint working group on enhancing cooperation and coordination among the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions |   |
UNEP/CHW.9/INF/20 | Information on the costs and organizational implications of establishing joint services of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions as reflected in the recommendation of the Ad Hoc Joint Working Group on Enhancing Cooperation and Coordination Among the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions |   |
UNEP/CHW.9/INF/21 | Cooperation and coordination between the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions: activities developed by the three secretariats |   |
UNEP/CHW.9/INF/22 | Cooperation between the Basel Convention and the International Maritime Organization: compilation of comments received from Parties and the secretariat of the International Maritime Organization pursuant to decisions VIII/9 and OEWG-VI/8 |  |
UNEP/CHW.9/INF/22/Add.1 | Cooperation between the Basel Convention and the International Maritime Organization: comments received pursuant to decision OEWG-VI/8 |  |
UNEP/CHW.9/INF/23 | Additional information on national reporting |  |
UNEP/CHW.9/INF/24 | Draft technical guidelines on the environmentally sound management of mercury wastes |  |
UNEP/CHW.9/INF/25 | Draft technical guidelines on the environmentally sound management of mercury wastes: comments received from Canada |  |
UNEP/CHW.9/INF/25/Add.1 | Draft technical guidelines on the environmentally sound management of mercury wastes: comments received from the Basel Action Network (BAN) |  |
UNEP/CHW.9/INF/25/Add.2 | Draft technical guidelines on the environmentally sound management of mercury wastes: comments received from Germany and GEF/UNDP advisor |  |
UNEP/CHW.9/INF/26 | Implementation of decision V/32 on enlargement of the scope of the Trust Fund to Assist Developing and Other Countries in Need of Assistance in the Implementation of the Basel Convention: compilation of responses received pursuant to decision OEWG-VI/14 |  |
UNEP/CHW.9/INF/27 | Addressing the interpretation of paragraph 5 of article 17 of the Basel Convention: compilation of comments received pursuant to decisions VIII/30 and OEWG-VI/16 |  |
UNEP/CHW.9/INF/28 | Report of the work of the Marine Environment Protection Committee of the International Maritime Organization at its 57th session on ship recycling |  |
UNEP/CHW.9/INF/29 | Environmentally sound management of ship dismantling: compilation of comments received pursuant to decisions VIII/11 and OEWG-VI/7 |   |
UNEP/CHW.9/INF/30 | Environmentally sound management of ship dismantling: equivalent levels of control established under the Basel Convention and the draft International Convention on the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships |   |
UNEP/CHW.9/INF/31/Rev.1 | Information on financial matters |  |
UNEP/CHW.9/INF/32 | UNFCCC Bali Action Plan and the Basel Convention: technology transfer, CDM and JI |  |
UNEP/CHW.9/INF/33 | Framework for economic analysis |  |
UNEP/CHW.9/INF/34 | Draft fund-raising strategy |  |
UNEP/CHW.9/INF/35 | Mercury waste and Basel Convention |  |
UNEP/CHW.9/INF/36 | Compilation of comments received from Parties on the draft work programme of the Open-ended Working Group for 2009-2010 |  |
UNEP/CHW.9/INF/37 | Update on publications and public information material |  |
UNEP/CHW.9/INF/38 | UNEP Governing Council decision 24/5 on waste management |  |
UNEP/CHW.9/INF/39 | International conference on the environmentally sound management of wastes generated at sea |  |
UNEP/CHW.9/INF/40/Corr.1 | Ship recycling: observations on equivalency (Corrigendum) |  |
UNEP/CHW.9/INF/41 | Proposal on financing coordinated extraordinary meetings of the Conferences of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions |   |
UNEP/CHW.9/INF/42 | Additional information on the costs and organizational implications for the Secretariat of the Basel Convention of establishing joint services of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions as reflected in the recommendation of the Ad Hoc Joint Working Group on Enhancing Cooperation and Coordination Among the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions |   |
UNEP/CHW.9/INF/43 | Kobe 3R Action Plan |  |
UNEP/CHW.9/INF/44 | List of pre-session documents |  |
UNEP/CHW.9/INF/45 | List of participants |  |