| UNEP/CHW/CC.11/1 | Provisional agenda |  |
1. Opening of the meeting.
2. Organizational matters: |
| UNEP/CHW/CC.11/1/Add.1 | Annotations to the provisional agenda |  |
Item 1
Opening of the meeting
1.The eleventh meeting of the Implementation and Compliance Committee (‘the Committee’) will be convened from 22 to 24 September 2014 at the International Environment House I (IEH-I), 11-13, Chemin des Anémones, 1219 Châtelaine, Geneva, Switzerland. The meeting will be opened by the Chair of the Committee, Ms. Jimena Nieto (Colombia), at 10 a.m. on 22 September 2014, following a meeting of the Bureau of the Committee convened at 9.30 a.m.
| UNEP/CHW/CC.11/2 | Implementation fund |  |
Note by the Secretariat
1. Reference is made to the information set out in documents UNEP/CHW/CC.10/2 considered by the Committee administering the mechanism for promoting implementation and compliance of the Basel Convention (hereinafter “the Committee”) during its tenth meeting (Paris, France, 56 December 2013) setting out information on the status of resources in the implementation fund on the basis of contributions received from Colombia, Japan, Norway and Switzerland, the new mandate of the Committee with respect to the use of those resources, and the decision by the Conference of the Parties to review at its twelfth meeting the operation of the implementation fund in light of the experience of the Committee and other developments .
| UNEP/CHW/CC.11/4 | Evaluation of the amendment to paragraph 9 (c) of the terms of reference |  |
Note by the Secretariat
1.By its decision BC-11/8, the Conference of the Parties at its eleventh meeting extended, for the period between the eleventh and twelfth meetings of the Conference of the Parties, the amendment to paragraph 9 (c) of the terms of reference of the mechanism for promoting implementation and compliance of the Basel Convention adopted by decision BC-10/11 .
| UNEP/CHW/CC.11/5 | Legal framework programme |  |
Note by the Secretariat
1.Reference is made to the information set out in documents UNEP/CHW/CC.10/4 considered by the Committee administering the mechanism for promoting implementation and compliance of the Basel Convention (hereinafter “the Committee”) during its tenth meeting (Paris, France, 56 December 2013). Reference is also made to paragraphs 27 and 28 of the report of that meeting according to which the Committee agreed to request the Secretariat to prepare, under the guidance of the lead Committee member, a review of whether the Committee’s legal framework programme needs further refining, including proposals on how to make the programme more effective, for its consideration at its eleventh meeting.
| UNEP/CHW/CC.11/6 | National reporting: individual compliance performance |  |
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| UNEP/CHW/CC.11/7 | Guidance on the development of inventories |  |
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| UNEP/CHW/CC.11/8 | National reporting: dialogue with other compliance bodies |  |
Note by the Secretariat
1.Reference is made to the information set out in documents UNEP/CHW/CC.10/7 and UNEP/CHW/CC.10/INF/3 considered by the Committee Administering the Mechanism for Promoting Implementation and Compliance of the Basel Convention (hereinafter “the Committee”) during its tenth meeting (Paris, France, 56 December 2013). Reference is also made to paragraphs 35 to 48 of the report of that meeting which summarizes the discussions held during the dialogue with other compliance bodies and sets out conclusions by the Committee on this matter.
| UNEP/CHW/CC.11/9 | National legislation: strategies to promote full legislative implementation |  |
1.Reference is made to the information set out in document UNEP/CHW/CC.10/8 considered by the Committee administering the mechanism for promoting implementation and compliance of the Basel Convention (hereinafter “the Committee”) during its tenth meeting (Paris, France, 56 December 2013). Reference is also made to paragraph 49 of the report of that meeting in which the Committee requested the Secretariat to prepare, taking into account views expressed by Committee members during its tenth meeting and during the intersessional period, a report on strategies to promote full legislative implementation of the Basel Convention among its parties for its consideration during its eleventh meeting.
| UNEP/CHW/CC.11/10 | Guidance on the take-back provision |  |
Note by the Secretariat
Reference is made to the information set out in documents UNEP/CHW/CC.10/9 and UNEP/CHW/CC.10/INF/4 considered by the Committee Administering the Mechanism for Promoting Implementation and Compliance of the Basel Convention (hereinafter “the Committee”) during its tenth meeting (Paris, France, 56 December 2013). Reference is also made to paragraphs 50 and 51 of the report of that meeting according to which the Committee decided to seek further input from parties and others on the draft guidance on the take-back provision (October 2013). The Committee requested the Secretariat to prepare by 31 March 2014 revised draft guidance for the consideration of the Open-ended Working Group at its ninth meeting and the consideration of the Committee at its eleventh meeting.
| UNEP/CHW/CC.11/11 | Insurance, bond, guarantee |  |
Note by the Secretariat
1.Reference is made to the information set out in document UNEP/CHW/CC.10/10 which was considered by the Committee Administering the Mechanism for Promoting Implementation and Compliance of the Basel Convention (hereinafter “the Committee”) during its tenth meeting (Paris, France, 56 December 2013). Reference is also made to paragraphs 52 and 53 of the report of that meeting according to which the Committee agreed, among other things, to request the Secretariat, under the guidance of the lead Committee member: to develop a questionnaire with a view to collecting information on how parties are implementing paragraph 11 of Article 6 of the Basel Convention, including challenges associated with this implementation and possible ways to overcome them: to publish in the website of the Convention responses received to the questionnaire; and to prepare a report that includes recommendations pertaining to the development of guidance on how to implement paragraph 11 of Article 6, for the consideration of the Committee at its eleventh meeting.
| UNEP/CHW/CC.11/12 | Guide to the control system |  |
Note by the Secretariat
1.Reference is made to the information set out in documents UNEP/CHW/CC.10/11 and UNEP/CHW/CC.10/INF/5 considered by the Committee Administering the Mechanism for Promoting Implementation and Compliance of the Basel Convention (hereinafter “the Committee”) during its tenth meeting (Paris, France, 56 December 2013). Reference is also made to paragraphs 54 and 55 of the report of that meeting according to which the Committee decided to seek further views from parties and others on the draft revised guide to the control system (October 2013) and requested the Secretariat to prepare by 31 March 2014 a draft revised guide for the consideration of the Open-ended Working Group at its ninth meeting and the consideration of the Committee at its eleventh meeting.
| UNEP/CHW/CC.11/13 | Control system: interactive tool |  |
Note by the Secretariat
1.Reference is made to the information set out in document UNEP/CHW/CC.10/2 considered by the Committee Administering the Mechanism for Promoting Implementation and Compliance of the Basel Convention (hereinafter “the Committee”) during its tenth meeting (Paris, France, 56 December 2013). Reference is also made to paragraph 56 of the report of that meeting in which the Committee requested the Secretariat to continue its work with respect to the development of the interactive tool on the control system and to report back to the eleventh meeting of the Committee on the progress achieved.
| UNEP/CHW/CC.11/14 | Manual for the implementation of the Basel Convention and checklist for the legislator |  |
1.Reference is made to the information set out in documents UNEP/CHW/CC.10/8 and UNEP/CHW/CC.10/13 considered by the Committee administering the mechanism for promoting implementation and compliance of the Basel Convention (hereinafter “the Committee”) during its tenth meeting (Paris, France, 56 December 2013). Reference is also made to paragraphs 57 and 58 of the report of that meeting in which the Committee requested the Secretariat to develop an updated manual for the implementation of the Convention, based on the outcome of the discussions during its meeting and including the expanded checklist for the legislator, for the consideration of the Open-ended Working Group during its ninth meeting and the Committee during its eleventh meeting.
| UNEP/CHW/CC.11/15 | Work programme for 2016-2017 |  |
Note by the Secretariat
1.In accordance with paragraph 24 of the terms of reference of the mechanism for promoting implementation and compliance of the Basel Convention , the Committee administering the mechanism (hereinafter “the Committee”) shall report to each ordinary meeting of the Conference of the Parties on its suggestions for any future work that may be required on general issues of compliance and implementation, for the consideration and approval of the Conference of the Parties. It is standing practice by the Committee to also include in its proposed work programme activities pertaining to specific submissions.
| UNEP/CHW/CC.11/16 | Report of the eleventh meeting of the Basel Convention Implementation and Compliance Committee (Geneva, 22-24 September 2014)
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