UNEP/CHW/OEWG.11/INF/1 | Scenario note for the eleventh meeting of the Open-ended Working Group of the Basel Convention | |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG.11/INF/2 | Tentative schedule for the meeting | |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG.11/INF/3 | Draft compilation of information related to the indicators to be used for the preparation of the final evaluation of the strategic framework | |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG.11/INF/4 | Draft practical manual for stakeholders to ensure that notifications of transboundary movements meet environmentally sound management requirements | |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG.11/INF/4/Rev.1 | Draft practical manual for stakeholders to ensure that notifications of transboundary movements meet environmentally sound management requirements | |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG.11/INF/5 | Draft guidance to assist Parties in developing efficient strategies for achieving recycling and recovery of hazardous and other wastes | |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG.11/INF/5/Rev.1 | Draft guidance to assist Parties in developing efficient strategies for achieving recycling and recovery of hazardous and other wastes | |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG.11/INF/6 | Draft guidance on how to address environmentally sound management in the informal sector | |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG.11/INF/6/Rev.1 | Draft guidance on how to address environmentally sound management in the informal sector | |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG.11/INF/7 | Draft practical manuals on Extended Producer Responsibility and on financing systems for environmentally sound management | |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG.11/INF/7/Rev.1 | Draft practical manuals on Extended Producer Responsibility and on financing systems for environmentally sound management | |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG.11/INF/8 | Report of the activities undertaken by the expert working group on environmentally sound management | |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG.11/INF/9 | Draft updated general technical guidelines on the environmentally sound management of wastes consisting of, containing or contaminated with persistent organic pollutants | |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG.11/INF/10 | Draft technical guidelines on the environmentally sound management of wastes consisting of, containing or contaminated with short-chain chlorinated paraffins | |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG.11/INF/11 | Draft updated technical guidelines on the environmentally sound management of wastes consisting of, containing or contaminated with hexabromodiphenyl ether and heptabromodiphenyl ether, or tetrabromodiphenyl ether and pentabromodiphenyl ether or decabromodiphenyl ether | |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG.11/INF/12 | Draft updated technical guidelines on the environmentally sound management of wastes containing or contaminated with unintentionally produced polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, polychlorinated dibenzofurans, hexachlorobenzene, polychlorinated biphenyls, pentachlorobenzene, polychlorinated naphthalenes or hexachlorobutadiene | |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG.11/INF/13 | Draft updated technical guidelines on the environmentally sound management of wastes consisting of, containing or contaminated with hexachlorobutadiene | |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG.11/INF/14 | Compilation of comments received from Parties and others on (i) provisional low persistent organic pollutant values included in the technical guidelines and (ii) low persistent organic pollutant content values applied at the national level | |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG.11/INF/15 | Draft updated technical guidelines on transboundary movements of electrical and electronic waste and used electrical and electronic equipment, in particular regarding the distinction between waste and non-waste under the Basel Convention | |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG.11/INF/16 | Compilation of responses to the revised questionnaire on the experiences of Parties and others in the implementation of the technical guidelines on transboundary movements of electrical and electronic waste and used electrical and electronic equipment, in particular regarding the distinction between waste and non-waste under the Basel Convention | |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG.11/INF/17 | Compilation of comments received from Parties and others on issues mentioned in paragraph 5 of decision BC-12/5 and on appendix V of the interim technical guidelines on transboundary movements of electrical and electronic waste and used electrical and electronic equipment, in particular regarding the distinction between waste and non-waste under the Basel Convention | |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG.11/INF/18 | Draft updated technical guidelines on incineration on land (D10) | |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG.11/INF/19 | Draft updated technical guidelines on specially engineered landfill (D5) | |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG.11/INF/20 | Compilation of information from Parties on the types of waste for which practical guidance on the development of inventories would be useful | |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG.11/INF/21 | Summary of the responses to the questionnaire on electronic approaches to the notification and movement documents | |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG.11/INF/22 | Report on possible options available under the Basel Convention to further address marine plastic litter and microplastics | |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG.11/INF/22/Add.1 | Report on possible options available under the Basel Convention to further address marine plastic litter and microplastics: Activities related to marine plastic litter and microplastics undertaken by the Basel Convention regional and coordinating centres and the Stockholm Convention regional and subregional centres | |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG.11/INF/23 | Outcome of the first meeting of the open-ended ad hoc expert group on marine litter and microplastics | |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG.11/INF/24 | Report on issues related to waste containing nanomaterials and options for further work under the Basel Convention | |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG.11/INF/25 | Guidance to improve the implementation of paragraph 11 of Article 6 of the Basel Convention on insurance, bond and guarantee | |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG.11/INF/26 | Guidance on improving national reporting by Parties to the Basel Convention | |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG.11/INF/27 | Guide for the development of national legal frameworks to implement the Basel Convention | |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG.11/INF/28 | Guidance on the implementation of paragraph 4 of Article 6 of the Basel Convention on transit transboundary movements | |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG.11/INF/29 | Work programme of the Committee for Administering the Mechanism for Promoting Implementation and Compliance for the biennium 2020–2021 | |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG.11/INF/30 | Note by the co-chairs of the expert working group on the review of the annexes to the Basel Convention: status of the work and recommendations on the way forward | |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG.11/INF/31 | Compilation of comments received on whether to consider the review of Annexes II, VIII and IX to the Basel Convention | |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG.11/INF/32 | Follow-up partnership to the Partnership for Action on Computing Equipment | |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG.11/INF/33 | Draft guidance on the environmentally sound management of household waste | |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG.11/INF/34 | Report on the progress in the work of the World Customs Organization on the Harmonized System related to the Basel Convention | |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG.11/INF/35 | Report on financial matters from January 2016 to April 2018 | |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG.11/INF/36 | Application by Norway to amend Annex IX to the Basel Convention and addendum | |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG.11/INF/37 | List of pre-session documents by agenda item | |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG.11/INF/38 | List of participants | |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG.11/INF/39 | Draft terms of reference for the Basel Convention Partnership on Plastic Wastes as a basis for further consultation | |