Greening the OEWG-14

The Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions Secretariat (BRS) is dedicated to enhancing sustainability in all aspects of its operations, including its events. This commitment aligns with the Strategy for Sustainability Management in the United Nations System 2020-2030 and supports the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Since 2012, the Secretariat has proactively worked to minimize the environmental impact of its meetings and offset unavoidable greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Currently, a green events policy is being pilot tested for events of more than 300 participants, which includes the OEWG-14. For general information on our green events policy and how you can support these efforts, please visit our webpage dedicated to greening our events.

OEWG-14 will align with the Secretariat’s sustainability initiatives, including climate neutrality and reduced waste generation. The Geneva International Conference Centre (CICG), the venue for OEWG-14, has also implemented several measures to minimize the environmental footprint of its services.

Did you know that if you…

  • Pack just one less pair of shoes you can eliminate 2.5 kgs of CO2 when traveling by air?
  • Use a mobile app instead of printing an event program you can save 197 litres of water?
  • Participate in a hotel's linen-reuse program it saves 35 ml of laundry chemicals per night?       

Attendees are faced with a multitude of choices when participating in an event. As these examples illustrate, simple actions can really add-up!

While the BRS Secretariat is already taking action to green its meetings, you may be able to consider other ways to reduce your footprint. Action is not required but encouraged where possible. Consider getting started by picking one new step and building your efforts over time. Each action, even just one, makes a difference!

Click here to download the table below in a PDF document.


           Participants who arrange their own travel are encouraged to offset their emissions using the United Nations carbon offset platform.

o    To calculate your travel related CO2 emissions, please use the ICAO's official calculator available at:

o    To offset your emissions, please use the United Nations carbon offset platform available at: The offset purchase funds an array of projects ranging from wind power projects to efficient bus transit systems, or projects that replace harmful cook stoves with healthy, clean-burning ones etc. Projects that sell their credits can be filtered by region, country, co-benefits or price. Purchasing of certified emission reduction units (CERs) corresponding to your emission estimate can be initiated by selecting the project you wish to invest in.

o    After you choose the project and purchase the CERs, an attestation of the offset will be made available to you. Please send us a copy of your attestation at to help us track progress in achieving climate neutrality of the meeting.


       The Geneva International Conference Centre, where the OEWG-14 is taking place, offers vegan and vegetarian meals. These meals have a lower impact on our planet, so you are encouraged to shift meals to plant-based alternatives when possible. 

       Prioritise locally sourced and in-seasonal food items to minimise mileage for transportation and supporting local business. Some useful labels used in Geneva are:  

o    GRTA - Genève Région Terre Avenir: this guarantee mark identifies agricultural products from the region around Geneva;  

o    AOC - controlled designation of origin and IGP - protected geographical indication: AOC and IGP products are high-quality Swiss specialties which display a strong link to the region in which they are made;  

o    IP Suisse: this indicates products of Swiss origin made by means of an integrated production process (limited use of treatment products) which can be marketed at fair prices;  

o    Pro Specie Rara: this identifies breeders and farmers committed to protecting and reproducing rare, old and even endangered breeds of animal and varieties of vegetable. 


       Use public transit or share rides for local trips. Public transport in Geneva is fast, frequent, safe and clean. 


       Seek out accommodations that have a green guest program or have earned an eco-certification. 

       Stay at accommodations that are within walking distance of event venues.        

       Participate in your hotel's linen reuse program. 


       Bring a refillable tumbler for beverages to use at our plastic-free hydration stations.      


       OEWG-14 is a paperless meeting. Pre-session documents will be made available on the meeting’s website and in-session documents (such as conference room papers) will be available electronically via wireless intranet. 


       Participate in the venue's recycling program, but be mindful that: 

o    The best waste is the one that it’s not produced; 

o    Plastics (with the exception of PET drink bottles) are incinerated in Geneva. 

By the way, please see below a few tips to reduce waste production at the OEWG-14:

A few sites in Geneva that may provide useful information for a sustainable stay during the meeting:

Other tools to reduce your impact:

We encourage you to complete our sustainability survey, which will help us further reduce the environmental footprint of our future events. Link here.

Thank you for supporting our efforts to green the OEWG-14!

For more information, please contact us at