Tenth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group of the Basel Convention (OEWG.10)

Report, decisions and documents

  • Decisions
  • Report
  • Working Documents
  • Information Documents

Call for information and follow-up to OEWG.10

Many of the decisions taken included invitations to Parties and others to provide comments and nominations. To consult those requests, please visit the "Call for information and follow-up to OEWG.10 " page.

List of participants

The list of meeting participants, as at 8 July 2016, is available from here.


Mid-term evaluation of the Strategic Framework for the implementation of the Basel Convention for 2012–2021

The objective of this webinar is to inform Parties to the Basel Convention and other stakeholders on the Mid-term evaluation of the Strategic Framework and on the collection of information that the Secretariat is launching, following a decisions taken at the tenth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group

Mid-term evaluation of the Strategic Framework for the implementation of the Basel Convention for 2012–2021

Mid-term evaluation of the Strategic Framework for the implementation of the Basel Convention for 2012–2021
Outcome of the OEWG10

The objective of this webinar is to inform Parties to the Basel Convention and other stakeholders on the outcome of tenth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group

Outcome of the OEWG10

Outcome of the OEWG10
OEWG10 preparatory briefing

The objective of this webinar is to inform Parties to the Basel Convention and observers to enable them to fully participate in the discussions at the tenth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group

OEWG10 preparatory briefing

OEWG10 preparatory briefing