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Entries for October 2011

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Historic agreement ends 15 year deadlock over banning North-South movements of hazardous waste
International conference adopts a package of strategic decisions on waste avoidance and management in the 21st century

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Central America launches two national pilot projects to speed safe destruction of ozone-depleting substances and persistent organic pollutants
Destroying large banks of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) together with persistent organic pollutants (POPs)

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Launch of new publication (executive summary)
This publication is an element of the E-waste Africa programme, which aims at enhancing the environmental governance of e-wastes and creating favourable social and economic conditions in the recycling sector in Africa.

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Remarks of UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner at the Basel COP 10 meeting
This week, there are a number of items on your agenda that will be crucial for determining the strategic future of this convention - in particular the New Strategic Framework and the Swiss-Indonesian Country-Led Initiative (CLI).

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Posted in: COP, Speech
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International conference promotes hazardous waste prevention, minimization and recovery
Government representatives in Cartagena will investigate ways in which the Convention could help turn wastes into valuable resources...

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Basel COP 10:  Promoting prevention, minimization and recycling of wastes as a concrete input to Rio 2012?
The COP 10 meeting presents a unique opportunity to present to the Rio+20 conference with a concrete example of how transformative environmental...

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