
In addition to the inclusion of wastes in Annexes I, II, VIII and IX, potential hazards posed by these wastes would determine whether they are hazardous or not and subject to control under the Basel Convention. Annex III of the Basel Convention contains a list of these hazardous characteristics which include wastes that are explosive, flammable, poisonous, infectious, corrosive, toxic, ecotoxic, etc.

Knowledge of specific hazards allows protective and safety measures specific to the type of hazard posed to be instituted and ensures that wastes transported across borders are safely managed. In order to assist parties and others to determine hazard characteristics of certain waste and to implement the Convention effectively, technical guidelines on the hazard characteristics listed in Annex III to the Convention were developed

Currently, three guidance papers on the hazard characteristics H6.2 (infectious substances); H12 (ecotoxic) and H13 (capable after disposal of yielding another hazardous material), have been adopted by the Conference of the Parties to the Convention.

Work on hazard characteristics H10 (liberation of toxic gases in contact with air or water) and H11 (toxic – delayed or chronic) is still not concluded until future decisions by parties to continue these tasks.


Comments received from Parties and others

Items: 2 
Submission by the Competent Authority of Australia related to decision OEWG-VI/7 on the guidance papers on H10 and H11 42 K
Submission by the European Community and its Member States related to decision OEWG – VI/7 on the guidance papers on hazard characteristics20.5 K