Work programme (2016–2017)

I.     Review of general issues of compliance and implementation under the Convention 


Objective Activity

1. National reporting

Improve timely and complete national reporting under paragraph 3 of article 13 of the Convention

(a)           Classify and, as appropriate, publish parties’ individual compliance performance with regard to their annual national reporting obligations for 2013, 2014 and 2015 as available based on the criteria and categories adopted by the Conference of the Parties at its tenth meeting and using the targets set by the Conference of the Parties at its twelfth meeting;

(b)           Consider what additional steps could be taken to improve the timeliness and completeness of national reporting (such as face-to-face meetings and webinars) and, on the basis of this consideration, elaborate a plan recommending actions, incentives and other measures towards that end;

(c)           Revise the Committee’s guidance on improving national reporting in the light of the revised reporting format.

2. Illegal traffic

Prevent and combat illegal traffic

Continue to develop, including through consultations with the Open-ended Working Group, guidance on the take-back provision under paragraph 2 of Article 9, and develop guidance on the implementation of paragraphs 3 and 4 of Article 9 of the Convention and integrate the two sets of guidance into one document, for consideration and possible adoption by the Conference of the Parties at its thirteenth meeting.

3. National legislation

Improve implementation of and compliance with paragraph 4 of article 4 and paragraph 5 of article 9 of the Convention

Consider what additional steps could be taken to improve implementation and compliance with paragraph 4 of Article 4 and paragraph 5 of Article 9 of the Convention. 

4. Insurance, bond, guarantee

Improve the implementation of and compliance with paragraph 11 of article 6 of the Convention

Taking into account the report on the implementation of paragraph 11 of Article 6 of the Convention, develop, including through consultation with the expert working group on environmentally sound management, guidance to improve the implementation of paragraph 11 of Article 6 of the Convention, for consideration by the thirteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties.


5. Control system

Improve the implementation of and compliance with article 6 of the Convention

Consider what additional steps could be taken to improve the implementation of and compliance with Article 6 of the Convention.

6. Improve the implementation of and compliance with the Convention

Regularly update the guidance on legal matters the Committee has developed (e.g., manual for the implementation of the Basel Convention, guide to the control system, guidance on the illegal traffic take-back provision), based on periodic feedback from users and suggestions from stakeholders and in the light of decisions taken by the Conference of the Parties, for consideration and possible adoption by the Conference of the Parties.

II.     Specific submissions regarding party implementation and compliance

  1. The Committee shall accord priority to dealing with specific submissions regarding party implementation and compliance received or initiated in accordance with paragraph 9 of the terms of reference of the mechanism for promoting implementation and compliance of the Basel Convention. 
  2. In relation to the implementation fund, the Committee shall make recommendations to the Executive Secretary on the allocation of the available resources from the implementation fund in the period between the twelfth and thirteenth meetings of the Conference of the Parties to assist parties in the context of the facilitation procedure set out in paragraphs 19 and 20 of the terms of reference of the mechanism for promoting implementation and compliance of the Basel Convention. The resources are intended to fund activities listed in the compliance action plans elaborated by the party concerned in its submission and approved by the Committee. In addition, the Committee shall review the operation of the implementation fund in the light of the experience of the Committee and other developments, including with respect to the special programme. 
  3. In relation to the amendment of paragraph 9 (c) of the terms of reference, the Committee shall provide to the Conference of the Parties at its fourteenth meeting a report on its evaluation of the effectiveness of the amendment mentioned in paragraph 4 of the present decision, including recommendations.