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Two technical workshops on “Landfill Management” and “Co-processing of Hazardous Waste in Cement Kilns” is organized by Basel and Stockholm Convention Regional Center in Tehran that will be held from 2 to 6 October 2011 at International Conference Hall of Department of Environment of Iran in Tehran

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Posted in: Landfills, Iran
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Preparation of a Set of Tools for the Selection, Design and Operation of Hazardous Waste Landfills in Hyper-dry Areas

The Cairo-BCRC as the implementing agent of the project “Preparation of a set of tools for the selection, design and operation of hazardous waste landfills in hyper-dry areas” funded under the Strategic Plan of the Basel Convention with the financial and technical support from the Secretariat of the Basel Convention; has the honor to release as an output of the project, a set of three guidelines entitled: 

  • Guidelines for hazardous waste landfill site selection and EIA in hyper-dry areas. 
  • Guidelines for hazardous waste landfill site design in hyper-dry areas, and 
  • Guidelines for hazardous waste landfill site operation, monitoring and aftercare in hyper-dry areas.


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Las existencias de plaguicidas obsoletos, constituyen un riesgo para la salud y el ambiente, dado que son un residuo constituido por sustancias químicas peligrosas. Además, en su calidad de residuo sin valor económico, en general se acumulan en condiciones inadecuadas en sitios no controlados. Por consiguiente, el riesgo se incrementa, porque existe exposición a los desechos debido al libre acceso de personas y animales al sitio; y por el deterioro de envases, vertido de los productos, y contaminación del sitio y su entorno.

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Technical guidelines on the environmentally sound recycling/reclamation of metals and metal compounds(R4) (adopted by COP.7, Oct 2004)
Arabic: Download in Arabic - PDF French: Download in French - PDF
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