By decision VI/19, the Conference of the adopted a questionnaire concerning the national classification and control procedures for the import of wastes contained in Annex IX (List B wastes) as attached to that decision (Annex II) and requested the secretariat to distribute the questionnaire to all Parties and Signatories. Information received from parties pursuant to decisions VI/19 and VII/20 on national classification and control procedures for the import of wastes contained in Annex IX is available on the Convention website for information purposes. By paragraph 1 of decision IX/21, the Conference of the Parties encouraged those parties experiencing difficulties with such national classification or control procedures that had not provided the Secretariat with information on those difficulties to complete the questionnaire developed for reporting such difficulties to do so.
Information on PVC waste gathered from various sources is also available on this website.
For further information on the control of transboundary movements, please click here.