Study on used and end of life goods

The study is to identify options for dealing with the problem posed by used and end-of-life goods, which could include take-back obligations and clarification of the concept of “charitable donations”. This study will take into account other initiatives such as the Partnership for Action on Computing Equipment.

study on used and end-of-life goods was made available to Parties on 23 May 2012, with an invitation for comments by 15 June 2012.



Submited byTitleEnglishFrenchSpanish
Items: 8    
CanadaDraft Report on Terminology and Study on Used and End-Of-Life Goods75 K  
Central African RepublicCommentaire sur les deux documents: UELG Study 24 May 2012 final et Terminology report 24 May final 34.5 K 
ColombiaComments from Colombia24 K  
European UnionComments of EU and its Member States - Study on used and end-of-life goods32.5 K  
MalaysiaMalaysia's Comments on the Draft Report On Study On Used And End-Of-Life Goods1021.95 K  
MexicoComments from Mexico  110.8 K
PhilippinesComments of Philippines126.16 K  
United States of AmericaComments from the USA942.64 K