Expert Working Group

The Expert Working Group (EWG) on the Review of Annexes was established to review Annexes I, III and IV, and related aspects of Annexes VIII and IX to the Basel Convention.

By its Decision BC-13/2, the Conference of the Parties established the EWG on the Review of Annexes with a mandate and terms of reference as set out in the Annex to that decision. The Conference of the Parties also decided that:

  • The EWG is open in nature, that it consists of 50 members nominated from Parties on the basis of equitable geographical representation of the five regional groups of the United Nations and that it is open to observers,
  • The number of members may be revised at the fourteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties;
  • The EWG will operate under the guidance of the Open-ended Working Group and the authority of the Conference of the Parties;
  • Each regional group is requested to nominate, through its Bureau representative and by 15 July 2017, 10 experts with relevant expertise to serve as members of the expert working group;
  • Parties are invited to serve as lead countries for the review of Annex IV and related aspects of Annex IX and/or Annexes I and III.

By its Decision BC-14/16, the Conference of the Parties also decided that the regional groups that have not yet nominated 10 experts with relevant expertise to serve as members of the EWG should nominate the remaining experts by 31 July 2019 through their Bureau representatives. 

The terms of reference for the review of the Annexes provide, among other things, that:

  • The EWG may, on an ad hoc basis, decide to invite additional experts possessing specialized technical knowledge on an issue to be discussed at a meeting to participate in that meeting or parts thereof;
  • The EWG shall elect its co-chairs;
  • The EWG will work by electronic means and conference calls. Face to face meetings will be at the discretion of the co-chairs and be subject to the availability of resources;
  • The EWG may consult Parties and others as appropriate; and
  • The EWG shall organize its working modalities according to the rules of procedure of the Basel Convention.

Members of the EWG

African States:

Ms. Ameera AHMED GOUDA (Egypt)
Ms. Annamaria GEROME (Tanzania, United Republic of)
Mr. Abderrazak MARZOUKI (Tunisia)
Ms. Sharon MOGOMOTSI (South Africa)
Mr. Roger MPAN (Congo, Republic of the)
Mr. John MUMBO (Kenya)
Ms. Perine NKOSI KASONDE (Zambia)
Mr. Jefferson NYANDIBO (Liberia)
Mr. Rila Albani RAKOTOMANANA (Madagascar)

Latin American and Caribbean States:

Mr. Ítalo Andrés FLAMENCO CÓRDOVA (El Salvador)
Mr. Gilberto CAPISTRANO FILHO (Brazil)
Ms. Andrea LÓPEZ ARIAS (Colombia)
Mr. Eddy PAZMIÑO (Ecuador)
Ms. Irina TALAMONI (Argentina)

Asia and Pacific States:

Dr. Maher AL-JABARI (State of Palestine)
Mr. Jihad ALSAWAIR (Jordan)
Ms. Sabine BARAKAT (Lebanon)
Mr. Qingyin DONG (China)
Mr. Sadamitsu SAKOGUCHI (Japan)
Dr. Amit LOVE (India)
Ms. Roxana MALEKI (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
Mr. Mohamed AMAN (Bahrain)
Mr. Samir Ali ASIRI (Saudi Arabia)

Western European and other States:

Ms. Lana BARBOUR (Australia)
Dr. Peter DAWSON (New Zealand)
Mr. Georg SURKAU (Germany)
Mr Brian HEFFERNAN (Ireland)
Mr. Peter FRIJNS (Netherlands)
Mr. Martin LUTHER (Switzerland)
Mr Amichay GILLIS (Israel)
Mr. Chiel BERENDS (European Union)
Ms. Hannah WOOLDRIDGE (United Kingdom)

Eastern Europe States:

Ms. Maja COLOVIĆ-DAUL (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Ms. Virginia GALATONOV (Republic of Moldova)
Ms. Ewa MIKOŁAJCZU (Poland)
Ms. Irma GURGULIANI (Georgia)
Ms. Aylin ISAKI MUHAREMI (North Macedonia)
Ms. Katrin KAARE (Estonia)
Mr. Artak KHACHATRYAN (Armenia)


Observers of the EWG:

Bosnia and Herzegovina
European Union
New Zealand
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
United States of America

American Chemistry Council
Basel Action Network
Bureau of International Recycling
Confederation of European Waste-to-Energy
Employers’ Organization in Cement Industry and other Mineral Products for Construction in Romania
Environmental Investigation Agency
The European Cement Association
European Chemical Industry Council
European Recycling Industries’ Confederation
European Tyre & Rubber Manufacturers Association
European Union for the Responsible Incineration and Treatment of Special wastes
Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives
Green Cognition
Hazardous Waste Europe
Information Technology Industry Council
International Council of Chemical Associations
International Council on Mining and Metals
Nickel Institute
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Recycled Materials Association
SIMS Recycling Solutions
Umicore Purchasing & Transportation
Wirtschaftsvereinigung Metalle