Renewed strategic framework for the implementation of the Basel Convention

At its sixteenth meeting, the Conference of the Parties decided that a draft renewed strategic framework should be developed, taking into account the recommendations to improve the strategic framework for the period 2012–2021 developed by the small intersessional working group in 2022-2023. The Conference of the Parties tasked the small intersessional working group to:

  • Prepare a draft renewed strategic framework for consideration by the Open-ended Working Group at its fourteenth meeting;
  • Prepare a revised renewed strategic framework, for consideration and possible adoption by the Conference of the Parties at its seventeenth meeting, taking into account the outcome of the fourteenth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group.

The small intersessional working group is accordingly preparing the draft renewed strategic framework for consideration by the Open-ended Working Group and the Conference of the Parties. It decided to hold its fourth meeting in three parts: two online parts prior to the Open-ended Working Group and one face-to-face part thanks to the generous financial contribution from the Government of Japan following the Open-ended Working Group to finalize the renewed strategic framework for consideration by the Conference of the Parties.

Drafts of the renewed strategic framework group, as well as comments submitted by Parties and observers in response to calls for comments, are set out below.

Draft renewed strategic framework as presented by the lead country to the first part of the fourth meeting of the small intersessional working group (as of 28 November 2023)

Document Symbol
UNEP/CHW/SF_SIWG.4/2 Development of a renewed strategic framework for the implementation of the Basel Convention  

Draft renewed strategic framework as revised by the small intersessional working during the first part of its fourth meeting (as of 8 January 2024)

Document Symbol
UNEP/CHW/SF_SIWG.4/2/Rev.1 Development of a renewed strategic framework for the implementation of the Basel Convention  

Draft renewed strategic framework as presented by the lead country to the second part of the fourth meeting of the small intersessional working group (as of 5 March 2024)

Document Symbol
UNEP/CHW/SF_SIWG.4/2/Rev.2 Development of a renewed strategic framework for the implementation of the Basel Convention

Draft renewed strategic framework as presented by the small intersessional working group to the fourteenth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group to the Basel Convention (as of 17 April 2024)

Document Symbol
UNEP/CHW/OEWG.14/INF/3 Draft renewed strategic framework for the implementation of the Basel Convention

Call for comments on the draft renewed strategic framework as presented by the small intersessional working group to the fourteenth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group to the Basel Convention (letter dated 19 April 2024)

Call for comments by 3 June 2024 from the small intersessional working group on the strategic framework for the implementation of the Basel Convention and the small intersessional working group to improve the functioning of the prior informed consent procedure, in preparation for the fourteenth meeting of the Basel Convention Open-ended Working Group

Comments from Parties and observers in response to the call for comments on the draft renewed strategic framework as presented by the small intersessional working group to the fourteenth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group to the Basel Convention

  • Parties
  • Observer

Draft renewed strategic framework as revised by the Open-ended Working Group at its fourteenth meeting (25-28 June 20204)

Document Symbol
UNEP/CHW/OEWG.14/INF/3/Rev.1 Revised draft renewed strategic framework for the implementation of the Basel Convention

Call for comments on the draft renewed strategic framework as revised during the fourteenth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group (letter dated 23 July 2024)

Follow-up to the invitations to provide written comments at the fourteenth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group (Geneva, 25 to 28 June 2024)

Comments from Parties and observers in response to the call for comments on the draft renewed strategic framework as revised during the fourteenth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group

  • Parties