Indicators for measuring achievement and performance
Goal 1
Effective implementation of parties’ obligations on transboundary movements of hazardous and other wastes
1.1 To reach a common understanding among parties of the definition, interpretation and
terminology of wastes covered by the Convention, including the distinction between wastes and
The number of agreed technical guidelines that assist Parties in reaching a common understanding on definitions, interpretations and terminologies covered by the Basel Convention.
1.2 To prevent and combat illegal traffic in hazardous and other wastes.
Parties have reached an adequate level of administrative and technical capacity (in the form of Customs, police, environmental enforcement and port authorities, among others) to prevent and combat illegal traffic and judicial capacity to deal with cases of illegal traffic.
- Number of parties that develop and execute training programmes for the staff involved;
- Number of controls and inspections carried out.
1.3 To improve performance in meeting requirements pertaining to, among other things,
notifications of national definitions of hazardous and other wastes, prohibitions and other control measures.
Percentage of parties that have notified national definitions of hazardous wastes to the Secretariat in accordance with Article 3 of the Basel Convention.
1.4 To generate, provide, collect, transmit and use reliable qualitative and quantitative
information and data regarding export, import and generation as required under Article 13 of the
Percentage of parties reporting information to the Secretariat under Article 13.
Goal 2
Strengthening the environmentally sound management of hazardous and other wastes
2.1 To pursue the development of environmentally sound management of hazardous and other wastes, especially through the preparation of technical guidelines, and to promote its implementation in national legislation.
Number of parties with national hazardous waste management strategies or plans in place.
- Number of guidelines on environmentally sound management of wastes developed.
2.2 To pursue the prevention and minimization of hazardous waste and other waste
generation at source, especially through supporting and promoting activities designed to reduce at the national level the generation and hazard potential of hazardous and other wastes.
Number of parties that have developed and implemented national strategies, plans or programmes for reducing the generation and hazard potential of hazardous and other wastes.
- Number of parties that have implemented systems for measuring hazardous waste generation in order to assess progress in selected hazardous waste streams and to reduce the generation and hazard potential of hazardous wastes and other wastes.
2.3 To support and promote capacity-building for parties, including technological capability, through technology needs assessments and technology transfer, so as to reduce the
generation and hazard potential of hazardous and other wastes.
Number of parties that have developed and implemented national strategies, plans or programmes for hazardous waste minimization.
- Number of parties receiving capacity-building support that report reductions in hazardous waste generation;
- Number of parties receiving capacity-building support for hazardous waste minimization.
2.4 To facilitate national, regional and international commitment with regard to the management of priority waste streams, as identified in the programme of work of the Convention, taking into consideration the priorities of developing countries and countries with economies in transition and in accordance with the requirements of the Convention.
Number of programmes, projects or activities carried out by parties, jointly with other parties or together with other stakeholders (regional and international organizations, conventions, industry bodies, etc.), aimed at the environmentally sound management of priority waste streams that have been monitored and assessed to achieve this goal.
2.5 To enhance and promote the sustainable use of resources by improving the management of hazardous and other wastes and to encourage the recognition of wastes as a resource, where appropriate.
Percentage of parties that collect information on the generation, management and disposal of hazardous and other wastes.
- Number of training and awareness-raising activities undertaken to enhance and promote the sustainable use of resources;
- Percentage of parties that require the separation of hazardous wastes from non hazardous other wastes;
- Percentage of parties that have national inventories on the generation and disposal of hazardous wastes and other wastes;
- Percentage of selected Convention waste streams reused, recycled or recovered.
Goal 3
Promoting the implementation of environmentally sound management of hazardous and other wastes as an essential contribution to the attainment of sustainable livelihood, the Millennium Development Goals and the protection of human health and the environment
3.1To develop national and regional capacity, particularly through the Basel Convention
regional and coordinating centres, by integrating waste management issues into national sustainable
development strategies and plans for sustainable livelihood.
Number of parties reporting, through the Secretariat, to the Conference of Parties on the integration of waste and hazardous waste issues into their national development plans or strategies.
3.2 To promote cooperation with national, regional and international bodies, in particular cooperation and coordination between the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions, to improve environmental and working conditions through the environmentally sound management of hazardous
and other wastes.
Number of activities on common issues undertaken by the bodies under the three Conventions.