Sixteenth meeting of the Basel Convention Implementation and Compliance Committee (ICC-16)

Geneva, Switzerland on 23-24 June and 29 June-2 July 2024, and online on 14-18 October 2024

Venue: Geneva International Conference Centre (CICG), 17 rue de Varembé, Geneva, on 23-24 June 2024 Room Aare, International Environment House II, 7-9 chemin de Balexert, 1219 Châtelaine, Geneva, on 29 June-2July 2024, and online on 14-18 October 2024


During the first part of its meeting (23-24 June and 29 June-2 July 2024), the Committee considered 13 specific submissions, general issues of implementation and compliance, and its draft 2026-2027 work programme. The Committee also convened dialogues with the 14 Basel Convention regional centres and other organizations on their activities aimed at supporting Parties in the implementation of their obligation to transmit national reports, at developing legal frameworks for the implementation of the Basel Convention, and at preventing and combating illegal traffic. The meeting was convened back to back with the fourteenth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group.

With respect to the specific submissions, the Committee continued its consideration of submissions regarding Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Chad, Cook Islands, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Mauritania, Niger, Nauru, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic and Togo. It approved the compliance action plans submitted by Gabon and Syrian Arab Republic to restore compliance with their national reporting obligation and recommended that the Executive Secretary use resources from the implementation fund to support their implementation. It decided that the matters of concern faced by Cook Islands and Nauru had been resolved, and decided on further steps to support 11 Parties in restoring compliance with their obligations to transmit national reports and to develop legal frameworks.

Under its general review mandate, the Committee considered the activities of its work programme aimed at improving implementation and compliance with national reporting, the development of legal frameworks, preventing and combating illegal traffic, country contacts, enhanced cooperation with the Compliance Committee of the Rotterdam Convention, review of guidance, and integration in United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework processes. It agreed on a range of conclusions and recommendations to the attention of the seventeenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties.

The meeting was suspended on 2 July 2024.

During the second part of its meeting (14 to 18 October 2024), the Committee resumed its consideration of 4 specific submissions, general issues of implementation and compliance, and its draft 2026-2027 work programme. The Committee also convened a dialogue with enforcement organizations as well as with secretariats and representatives of compliance compliance committees of multilateral environmental agreements on their activities aimed at supporting Parties with preventing and combating illegal traffic.

With respect to the specific submissions, the Committee continued its consideration of submissions by Central African Republic, regarding Equatorial Guinea, regarding Mauritania, and by Togo. It approved the compliance action plan submitted by Mauritania to restore compliance with its national reporting obligation and recommended that the Executive Secretary use resources from the implementation fund to support its implementation. The Committee also decided to recommend that the Conference of the Parties, at its seventeenth meeting, consider issuing a cautionary statement with a view to supporting Togo in restoring its compliance with the obligation to develop legislation and other measures to implement the Convention.

Under its general review mandate, the Committee continued its consideration of the activities of its work programme aimed at improving implementation and compliance with national reporting, the development of legal frameworks, preventing and combating illegal traffic, review of guidance, and integration in United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework processes. It agreed on a range of conclusions and recommendations to the attention of the seventeenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties, including the finalization of draft guidance on how individual Parties can integrate action to address their needs under the Basel Convention into their United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Frameworks. The draft work programme for 2026-2027 will be circulated to Parties with an invitation to comment.

The Secretariat gratefully acknowledges the financial support to the work of the Committee provided by Belgium, Japan, Switzerland and the European Union.

Working Language: English

Meeting documents

  • Working documents
  • Information documents

Background materials

Items: 16 
Presentation on Illegal traffic by BCRC Argentina1.74 MB
Presentation on Illegal traffic by BCRC Panama2.18 MB
Presentation on Legislation by BCRC Russia317 K
Presentation on National Reporting by BCRC-SCRC Indonesia3.23 MB
Presentation on Illegal traffic by BCRC-SCRC Senegal2.42 MB
Presentation on National Reporting by BCRC Slovakia601.51 K
Presentation by BRS Secretariat5.15 MB
presentation by GRID-Arendal693.68 K
Presentation by Interpol on illegal traffic2.24 MB
Presentation by Minamata Convention on the implementation of trade control provisions2.02 MB
Presentation by UNEP1.96 MB
Presentation by UN-Habitat5.08 MB
Presentation by UN RCO Costa Rica509.52 K
Presentation by WCO on illegal traffic597.84 K
Presentation on Legislation by BCRC Carribean1.62 MB
Presentation on National Reporting by BCRC Carribean1.3 MB

Photo gallery

BC ICC.16 meeting