Expert Working Group on ESM


An expert working group was mandated by the eleventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties to undertake activities to support the implementation of environmentally sound management.

The group was requested to further elaborate and implement actions on initial short-term work items as listed in annex II to decision BC-11/1 (see below), within available resources, and to develop a work programme for additional priorities and key work items and actions for the implementation of environmentally sound management. The twelfth meeting of the Conference of the Parties agreed to extend the mandate of the expert working group and requested the group to develop further activities in accordance with its work programme, subject to the availability of resources.

Terms of reference

  1. Develop and implement actions on initial short-term work items identified below:
    • Collection of available information on national and other ESM standards and practices;
    • Identify ESM elements and develop practical guidance in the context of relevant national systems and structures, on certain waste streams (to be decided by the expert working group);
    • Develop generic guidance on how to establish ESM;
    • Assess existing useful training and information material on policies, legislation and best practices on ESM;
    • Assess possible incentives to encourage the private sector to invest in ESM.
  2. Develop a work programme for additional priorities and key work items for implementation of ESM and report on this to the Open-ended Working Group at its ninth meeting and to the Conference of the Parties at its twelfth meeting.

Priority areas to include:

  • How to ensure consistent interpretation of ESM; 
  • Encouraging parties to develop and implement comprehensive strategies and legislation; 
  • Encouraging the private sector to implement and invest in ESM; 
  • Ensuring that hazardous waste and other waste that is subject to transboundary movement is managed in an environmentally sound manner.


The group initially consisted of 25 members nominated by parties based on equitable geographical representation of the five regional groups of the United Nations. At its twelfth meeting, the Conference of the Parties requested, by its decision BC-12/1, each regional group to nominate one additional expert with specific knowledge and expertise in the field of waste prevention and minimisation, bringing the total membership of the group to 30 members. In response, the Secretariat received nominations from three regional groups for experts. As at 6 June 2016, nominations were yet to be received from the Central and Eastern European region and Western European and other States.

The group is open to observers and may call on additional experts as needed.

Work programme

The work programme of the expert working group for the 2016-2017 biennium was adopted by the twelfth meeting of the Conference of the Parties in decision BC-12/1.