Decisions adopted by the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention

Items: 9 Files: 18
BC-VI/31Sustainable partnership for the environmentally sound managementof end-of-life mobile telephone35.5 K29.04 K
BC-VIII/2Creating innovative solutions through the Basel Convention for the environmentally sound management of electrical and electronic wastes23.5 K14.45 K
BC-VIII/5Basel Convention Partnership Programme57 K56.58 K
BC-IX/6Nairobi Declaration on the Environmentally Sound Management of Electrical and Electronic Waste36 K15.85 K
BC-IX/9Partnership for Action on Computing Equipment44.5 K33.15 K
BC-13/12Partnership for Action on Computing Equipment15.38 K16.45 K
BC-14/19Basel Convention Partnership Programme29.88 K119.84 K
BC-15/22Basel Convention Partnership Programme25.5 K174.25 K
BC-16/18Basel Convention Partnership Programme27.16 K184.26 K