Current submissions

The generous financial contributions from Colombia, the European Union, Japan, Norway and Switzerland to the implementation fund are hereby acknowledged. These contributions have enabled the following Parties to implement the activities of their approved compliance action plans: Bhutan, Cabo Verde, Central African Republic, Guinea-Bissau, Eritrea, Liberia, Oman, Swaziland, and Togo.


Party self submission

Two of the current submissions have been made by Parties using the possibility under paragraph 9 (a) of the Committee’s terms of reference to make a submission for the Committee after concluding that, despite their best efforts, they were or would be unable to fully implement or comply with their obligations under the Convention.

Reference Party Submission Committee’s findings


Central African Republic

22 June 2017

Decision CC-13/3

Decision CC-14/10

Decision CC-14/10/Add.1

Decision CC-15/1

Decision CC-16/13



1 June 2016

Decision CC-12/11

Decision CC-13/9

Decision CC-13/9/Add.1

Decision CC-14/3

Decision CC-14/3/Add.1

Decision CC-14/3/Add.2

Decision CC-14/3/Add.3

Decision CC-15/2

Decision CC-16/12

Party-to Party submission

At this time, no Party has made use of the possibility under paragraph 9 (b) of the Committee’s terms of reference  to make a submission regarding another Party. In line with the terms of reference of the Committee, a Party that has concerns or is affected by a failure to comply with and/or implement the Convention’s obligations by another Party with whom it is directly involved under the Convention. A Party intending to make a submission under this subparagraph shall inform the Party whose compliance is in question, and both Parties should then try to resolve the matter through consultations

Secretariat submission

18 of the current submissions have been made by the Secretariat using the possibility under paragraph 9 (c) of the Committee’s terms of reference. The submissions by the Secretariat were made on the basis of its awareness of possible difficulties of these Parties in complying with the obligations Article 5 (designation of a focal competent and of a competent authority) or paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 13 of the Convention (transmission of information, including national reporting). The submissions were preceded by consultations with each Party concerned.




Committee’s findings

CHW/CC/9c/2019/2 Burkina Faso   4 March 2019

Decision CC-14/5

Decision CC-16/7

CHW/CC/9c/2019/3 Chad 4 March 2019

Decision CC-14/11

Decision CC-14/11/Add.1

Decision CC-16/3

CHW/CC/9c/2019/6 Equatorial Guinea  4 March 2019

Decision CC-14/6

Decision CC-16/2

CHW/CC/9c/2019/7  Gabon  4 March 2019

Decision CC-14/12

Decision CC-14/12/Add.1

Decision CC-15/4

Decision CC-16/6

CHW/CC/9c/2019/8 Mauritania 8 March 2019

Decision CC-14/14

Decision CC-14/14/Add.1

Decision CC-15/5

Decision CC-16/8

CHW/CC/9c/2019/11 Niger 8 March 2019

Decision CC-14/17

Decision CC-14/17/Add.1

Decision CC-16/1

CHW/CC/9c/2019/12 Saint Vincent and
the Grenadines
8 March 2019

Decision CC-14/7

Decision CC-16/4

CHW/CC/9c/2019/13 Sudan 8 March 2019

Decision CC-14/8

Decision CC-16/9

CHW/CC/9c/2019/14 Syrian Arab Republic 8 March 2019

Decision CC-14/16

Decision CC-14/16/Add.1

Decision CC-15/6

Decision CC-16/5

Work programme 2020-2021

By decision BC-14/15, the Conference of the Parties decided that:

  1. The Committee shall accord priority to dealing with specific submissions regarding Party implementation and compliance received or initiated in accordance with paragraph 9 of the terms of reference of the mechanism for promoting implementation and compliance.
  2. In relation to the implementation fund, the Committee shall make recommendations to the Executive Secretary on the allocation of the available resources from the implementation fund during the period between the fourteenth and fifteenth meetings of the Conference of the Parties to assist Parties in the context of the facilitation procedure set out in paragraphs 19 and 20 of the terms of reference of the mechanism for promoting implementation and compliance. The resources are intended to fund activities listed in the compliance action plans presented by Parties in relation to specific submissions and approved by the Committee. “