The small intersessional working group (SIWG) on the strategic framework was established by the thirteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties.
By its decision BC-13/1, the Conference of the Parties established the SIWG on the strategic framework and entrusted it to undertake several activities leading to the preparation of a report on the final evaluation of the strategic framework for the consideration of the Conference of the Parties at its fifteenth meeting. The Conference of the Parties also decided that:
- The SIWG is open in nature and consists of ten members nominated by Parties based on equitable geographical representation of the five regional groups of the United Nations and will be open to observers;
- The SIWG shall call upon additional experts as needed, subject to the availability of resources;
- The SIWG shall elect its own co-chairs;
- The working language of the group shall be English and the group shall otherwise organize its working modalities according to the rules of procedure of the Basel Convention;
- The SIWG will organize one face-to-face meeting during the 2020-2021 biennium, unless otherwise decided by the Conference of the Parties at its fourteenth meeting.
Each regional group was invited to nominate from Parties, through its Bureau representative, two members of the small intersessional working group with specific knowledge and expertise in the evaluation of strategic plans, programmes, treaties or the national implementation of the Basel Convention.
Members of the SIWG
Mr. Florisvindo Furtado (Cabo Verde)
Mr. Abderrazak Marzouki (Tunisia)
Asia and Pacific States:
Mr. Chaiyod Bunyagidj (Thailand)
Mr Zaghloul Samhan (State of Palestine)
Central and Eastern Europe:
Ms. Irma Gurguliani (Georgia)
Mr. Ruslan Butovsky (Russian Federation)
Latin America and the Caribbean:
Ms. Irina Talamoni (Argentina)
Mr. Luis Enrique Tapia Batallas (Ecuador)
Western European and other States
Ms. Sophie Bernier (Canada)
Mr. Patrick McKell (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
Observers of the SIWG
Ms. Ariana Rozenek (Argentina)
Ms. Julie Croteau (Canada)
Mr. Tiago de Melo Cartaxo (Portugal)
Ms. Sílvia Ricardo (Portugal)
Ms. Ana Teixeira (Portugal)
Ms. Luisa Amaro de Matos (Portugal)
Mr. Bojan Pockar (Slovenia)
Ms. Romana Turk (Slovenia)
Mr. Stéphane Bernaudon (France)
By decision BC-14/1, the Conference of the Parties requested the Secretariat, in consultation with the SIWG to prepare a draft report on the final evaluation of the strategic framework for consideration by the Open-ended Working Group at its twelfth meeting and to submit a final version of the report to the Conference of the Parties at its fifteenth meeting. The Conference of the Parties further confirmed that one face-to-face meeting of the SIWG would be held during the biennium 2020-2021, subject to the availability of resources. A second meeting of the SIWG took place in October 2020 to finalize the evaluation report for submission to the fifteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties.