During its thirteenth meeting (BC-13/1), the Conference of the Parties agreed on a new approach for the preparation of the final evaluation of the strategic framework in time for the fifteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties in 2021. This approach was confirmed by the fourteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties (BC-14/1).
The Conference of the Parties decided, among other things, to:
The Secretariat was requested, in consultation with the SIWG, to:
- Identify all relevant sources of information related to the indicators to be used for the preparation of the final evaluation of the strategic framework;
- Gather and compile the necessary additional information;
- Prepare a draft compilation of the information for consideration by the Open-ended Working Group at its eleventh meeting and finalize the compilation for consideration by the Conference of the Parties at its fourteenth meeting;
- Prepare, using as a basis the compilation of information prepared for the fourteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties (UNEP/CHW.14/INF/5), and taking into account the discussions held during that meeting, the information provided by Parties relevant to the indicators (see above) and Parties’ annual national reports, a draft report on the final evaluation of the strategic framework for consideration by the Open-ended Working Group at its twelfth meeting;
- Submit a final version of the report to the Conference of the Parties at its fifteenth meeting.
The Secretariat was also requested to support the SIWG in its work, including by organizing, subject to the availability of resources, one face-to-face meeting of the group during the biennium 2020-2021.
A compilation of information was presented to the fourteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties (UNEP/CHW.14/INF/5) and the preparation of the draft report on the final evaluation of the strategic framework is now ongoing.
An online survey for Parties to provide information by 31 January 2020 has been made available in English, French and Spanish. The responses were used for the preparation of the report on the final evaluation of the strategic framework. Thanks to the generous financial support from the Government of Norway, the Secretariat retained a consultant to support the preparation of the final evaluation.
The small intersessional working group held a meeting on 20-22 April 2020, during which it reviewed a draft evaluation report of the strategic framework prepared by the Secretariat. The revised report is presented to the twelfth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group.
During its online segment, twelfth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group considered the draft evaluation of the strategic framework and invited the submission of further comments. The comments made are made available here.
The small intersessional working group met again on 22 October 2020 in order to revise the draft report on the final evaluation of the strategic framework taking into account comments submitted during the online segment of the twelfth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group, as well as in follow-up to that meeting. The finalized evaluation report as prepared at that meeting. was presented to the Conference of the Parties at its fifteenth meeting in document UNEP/CHW.15/INF/5. The executive summary of the report has been translated into the six languages of the United Nations and is available in document UNEP/CHW.15/3/Add.1. Comments on the report from Parties and observers as well as views on whether to develop a future strategic framework and/or effectiveness evaluation pursuant to paragraph 7 of the Article 15 of the Convention have been invited by an original deadline of 17 March 2021, subsequently extended to 1 December 2021. The comments received are made available in document UNEP/CHW.15/INF/6.
At its fifteenth meeting, the Conference of the Parties welcomed the report on the final evaluation of the strategic framework for the implementation of the Basel Convention for the period 2012-2021 (decision BC-15/3).