Fourth meeting of the expert working group on the review of Annexes to the Basel Convention

Online from 05 to 09 October 2020 (part I), from 01 to 03 February 2021 (part II) from 17 to 21 May 2021 (part III), from 11 to 15 October 2021 (part IV) and on 13 January 2022 (part V)

Highlights of the fourth meeting of the EWG on RA: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic situation in Switzerland as well as globally, it was not feasible to organize the fourth meeting of the expert working group on the review of Annexes to the Basel Convention as initially planned as a face-to-face meeting in Geneva, from 5 to 9 October 2020. Initial sessions of the meeting therefore took place online, from 5 to 9 October 2020, complemented by supplementary sessions scheduled from 01- to 03 February 2021 and from 17 to 21 May 2021. Subsequent online or face to face sessions will take place as needed.

5 to 9 October 2020 sessions  

During its 5 to 9 October 2020 sessions, the expert working group focused its deliberations on matters that need to be finalized by the end of 2020, namely in relation to possible amendment proposals to Annex IV and the two e-waste entries in Annex VIII (entry A1180) and IX (entry B1110), while postponing to later sessions the review of Annexes I and III, including the work in relation to plastics. Accordingly, the EWG focused its October 2020 sessions on revising its 15 January 2020 recommendations on the review of Annexes for possible amendment proposals to Annex IV and to entries A1180 and B1110 in Annexes VIII and IX to the Basel Convention, and findings on the consequential implications of the review of Annex IV to the Convention in light of comment thereon received by Parties and observers by 15 April 2020 and in the context of the online segment of the twelfth meeting of the Open-ended working group.

As reflected in the meeting report of the 5-9 October 2020 sessions of its fourth meeting, available in the table below, the EWG did not consider sections I to III of the introduction to its 15 January 2020 recommendations and findings, nor did it consider the first six paragraphs of Appendix I thereof. Accordingly, revisions were only brought to the general introduction of Annex IV, the captions and introductory texts for both parts of Annex IV, the existing operations and the new proposed operations for Annex IV, and the e-waste entries A1180 ad B1110.

The holding of further sessions (timing and format) was also considered by the EWG during its October meeting taking into account the evolution of the pandemic, and the co-chairs were entrusted to make a proposal to the EWG for such sessions.

1 to 3 February 2021 sessions 

The EWG met for resumed online sessions from 1 to 3 February 2021 to continue with its work on the review of Annex IV and the e-waste entries A 1180 and B1110. The EWG had an exchange of views on amendment proposals received from the European Union and from Ghana and Switzerland, and finalized consideration of its recommendations on the review of Annexes for possible amendment proposals to Annex IV and to entries A1180 and B1110 in Annexes VIII and IX to the Basel Convention, and findings on the consequential implications of the review of Annex IV to the Convention. The EWG also agreed to resume its work prior to the fifteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties with a view to progressing its work on the review of Annexes I and III. 

17 to 21 May 2021 sessions

The EWG met for resumed sessions from 17 to 21 May 2021 to continue its work on the review of Annexes I and III. The EWG discussed general issues as well as specific proposals regarding the review of Annex I and discussed general issues regarding the review of Annex III. The EWG also exchanged views on the consequential implications of the review of Annexes I and III as well as whether any additional constituents or characteristics in relation to plastic waste should be added to annex I or III, respectively, to the Convention. The EWG also exchanged views on the way forward with its work on the review of Annexes I and III as well as on possible further work on the review of Annex IV, based on a proposal by the co-chairs, and the e-waste entries A1180 and B1110. The EWG agreed to entrust the co-chairs with making a proposal on the way forward with its work.

11 to 15 October 2021 sessions

The EWG met for resumed sessions from 11 to 15 October 2021 to continue its work on the review of Annexes I and III. The EWG focused on continuing the review of annexes I and III on the basis of its draft recommendations on the review of Annex I reflecting the status of its work as at 21 May 2021 (document UNEP/CHW/RA_EWG.4/5/Rev.1) and the co-chairs compilation of general issues and options for the review of Annex III to the Basel Convention (status 21 May 2021) prepared by the co-chairs to serve as the revised basis for further work on the review of Annex III (document UNEP/CHW/RA_EWG.4/6/Rev.1). Prior to suspending its meeting on 21 May, the EWG agreed to entrust the co-chairs with making a proposal on the way forward with its work on the review of Annexes I and III.

13 January 2022 session

The EWG will meet for one session to further consider its recommended option for possible amendments to A1180 and B1110 (status 3 February 2021), which is set out in the appendix II of the annex to the report of the 1-3 February 2021 sessions of its fourth meeting (document UNEP/CHW/RA_EWG.4/3/Add.1).

Organizer: The October 2020, February 2021, May 2021 and October 2021 sessions of the fourth meeting of the EWG were organized by the Secretariat, with generous financial support provided by the governments of Germany, Norway and Switzerland.

Working language: English

Exceptional support for effective participation in the online sessions of the EWG-4 on RA

The Secretariat is mindful of the impact of the current COVID-19 pandemic, including that members may not be in a position to work from their office and that they are, instead, required to work from home. The Secretariat is also mindful that this situation may affect the full and effective participation in the EWG-4 on RA meeting of such members from developing countries, in particular least developed countries and small island developing States, and from Parties with economies in transition. Given these exceptional circumstances, the Secretariat is pleased to inform you that it will be in a position, thanks to the generous financial support from the Government of Norway, to support such members for the costs incurred to secure a reliable and good quality internet connection for the online sessions of the EWG-4 on RA meeting.

The support for the internet communications costs will be made after the meeting by eligible members present during the online sessions. For more information about the Secretariat’s policy and modalities for the reimbursement of communication costs of online meetings for eligible meeting participants, please kindly consult the supplemental information on the reimbursement of communication costs for online meetings.

Meeting documents

  • Working documents
  • Information documents

Background documents

TitleUpload dateEnglish
Items: 19  
Technical guidelines on transboundary movements of electrical and electronic waste and used electrical and electronic equipment, in particular regarding the distinction between waste and non-waste under the Basel Convention9/11/2019 6:12 PM205.68 K
Glossary of terms9/11/2019 6:13 PM77.22 K
Review of Annex I: Compilation of comments on the review of Annex I (UNEP/CHW/RA_EWG.2/INF/7)9/17/2019 10:28 AM1.7 MB 1.69 MB
Review of Annex III: Compilation of comments on the review of Annex III (UNEP/CHW/RA_EWG.2/INF/8)9/17/2019 10:29 AM2.99 MB 1.94 MB
Review of Annex I to the Basel Convention: compilation of comments on general issues (UNEP/CHW/RA_EWG.3/INF/6)3/29/2021 3:44 PM2.1 MB 2.41 MB
Review of Annex III to the Basel Convention: compilation of comments on general issues (UNEP/CHW/RA_EWG.3/INF/7)3/29/2021 3:43 PM1.88 MB 1.87 MB
Follow-up to the Indonesian-Swiss country-led initiative to improve the effectiveness of the Basel Convention (BC-13/2)10/17/2019 9:33 AM58.86 K
Decision BC-14/139/4/2020 9:35 AM23.62 K 123.21 K
Decision BC-14/169/4/2020 9:39 AM25.16 K 87.27 K
Co-chairs invitation for comments on 8 issues1/27/2021 9:52 AM25.32 K
HWE views on Information note by Canada on proposed operation D161/27/2021 9:53 AM17.29 K
CEWEP comments on 8 issues1/27/2021 9:55 AM231.19 K
FEAD comments on 8 issues1/27/2021 9:56 AM33.51 K
HWE comments on 8 issues1/27/2021 9:57 AM30.21 K
Plastics Europe comments on Chemical recycling1/27/2021 9:57 AM1023.88 K
Information note by Canada on proposed operation D161/27/2021 9:58 AM17.96 K
Proposal of Ghana and Switzerland to amend Annexes II, VIII and IX of the Basel Convention2/12/2021 10:25 AM298.67 K
Co-chair’s proposal on further work on Annex IV 21 May 20216/10/2021 11:50 AM54.36 K
Rationale proposals of modification of Annex IV 21 May 20216/10/2021 11:51 AM891.59 K