Third meeting of the small intersessional working group on the technical guidelines on plastic wastes

Geneva, Switzerland from 8 December to 10 December 2022

Venue: International Environment House II, 7-9 chemin de Balexert, CH-1219 Châtelaine.

Highlights: The objective of the meeting is to advance the work on the updating of technical guidelines on the environmentally sound management of plastic wastes as per COP 15 decision BC-15/10. The meeting participants include representatives of the SIWG. The outcome of the meeting will be submitted for consideration by the twelfth meeting of the Open-Ended Working Group to the Basel Convention, in January 2023 and the sixteenth meeting of Conference of the Parties of the Basel Convention, in May 2023.

Format: The meeting of the small intersessional working group will be convened face-to-face. Taking into account the reported cases of COVID-19 travel- and related restrictions in some countries, online participation by Parties representatives and observers will be allowed in the following two instances, upon request to the Secretariat by a registered Party/observer:

  • The Party/observer faces COVID-19 restrictions that prevent him/her or any representative of the observer from attending the meeting in person;
  • The Party/observer tests positive for COVID-19 upon departure, arrival or during the meeting and is thus prevented from entering the meeting venue.

Other registered participants (Parties and observers) may receive, upon request to the Secretariat, an online viewer access to the meeting allowing them to follow the meeting without the right to intervene. Viewers would also not be included in the list of participants to the meeting.

Organizer: Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions.

Working Language: English only

Meeting participants will receive details about accommodation, visa, and other relevant topics from the Secretariat.

Working documents

Items: 3  
UNEP/CHW/PW-SIWG.3/1Provisional Agenda53.01 K
UNEP/CHW/PW-SIWG.3/2Tentative schedule for the meeting264 K
UNEP/CHW/PW-SIWG.3/3Technical guidelines on the environmentally sound management of plastic wastes3.02 MB

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