UNEP/CHW/OEWG/5/INF/1/Rev.1 | List of participants |   |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG/5/INF/2/Rev.1 | List of pre-session documents |   |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG/5/INF/3 | Transmission of information, including implementation of decision II/12 |   |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG/5/INF/4 | Environmentally sound management of ship dismantling: comments received pursuant to decision OEWG-IV/5 |   |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG/5/INF/5 | Abandonment of ships on land or in ports: comments received pursuant to decision OEWG-IV/6 |   |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG/5/INF/5/Add.1 | Abandonment of ships on land or in ports: comments received pursuant to decision OEWG-IV/6 |   |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG/5/INF/6 | Basel Protocol on Liability and Compensation: report on workshops |   |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG/5/INF/7 | Draft technical guidelines on the environmentally sound management of wastes consisting of, containing or contaminated with unintentionally produced polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDD), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDF), hexachlorobenzene (HCB) or polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) |   |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG/5/INF/7/Rev.1 | Draft technical guidelines on the environmentally sound management of wastes consisting of, containing or contaminated with unintentionally produced polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDD), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDF), hexachlorobenzene (HCB) or polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) |   |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG/5/INF/7/Rev.1/Corr.1 | Draft technical guidelines on the environmentally sound management of wastes consisting of, containing or contaminated with unintentionally produced polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDD), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDF), hexachlorobenzene (HCB) or polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) |   |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG/5/INF/8 | Draft technical guidelines on the environmentally sound management of wastes consisting of, containing or contaminated with pesticides aldrin, chlordane, dieldrin, endrin, heptachlor, hexachlorobenzene (HCB), mirex or toxaphene or with HCB as an industrial chemical |   |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG/5/INF/8/Rev.1 | Draft technical guidelines on the environmentally sound management of wastes consisting of, containing or contaminated with pesticides aldrin, chlordane, dieldrin, endrin, heptachlor, hexachlorobenzene (HCB), mirex or toxaphene or with HCB as an industrial chemical |   |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG/5/INF/9 | Technical guidelines on the environmentally sound management of wastes consisting of, containing or contaminated with dicholorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) |   |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG/5/INF/9/Rev.1 | Technical guidelines on the environmentally sound management of wastes consisting of, containing or contaminated with dicholorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) |   |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG/5/INF/10 | German comments on the forms for the notification and the movement document and related instructions for filling in these forms |   |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG/5/INF/11 | Report on the Strategic Plan for the implementation of the Basel Convention: role and activities of the Basel Convention regional and coordinating centres |   |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG/5/INF/12 | Report of the first meeting of the Expert Group on Best Available Techniques and Best Environmental Practices under the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants |   |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG/5/INF/13 | Mobile Phone Partnership Initiative: progress report on the work of the Mobile Phone Working Group |   |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG/5/INF/14 | Resolutions of the Assembly of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) |   |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG/5/INF/15 | Progress report on the resource mobilization programme |   |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG/5/INF/15/Corr.1 | Progress report on the resource mobilization programme |   |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG/5/INF/16 | Examination of Article 14 of the Basel Convention, with a view to determining the legal and institutional feasibility of appropriate and predictable financial mechanisms of the Basel Convention |   |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG/5/INF/17 | Study on improving cooperation and synergies between the secretariats of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions |   |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG/5/INF/18 | Supplementary analysis of financial and administrative arrangements that would be needed to implement any changes that the three convention secretariats and UNEP may propose to enhance synergies between the chemicals and wastes conventions |   |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG/5/INF/19 | Information on financial matters |   |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG/5/INF/20 | UNEP report to the eighth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention (Nairobi, Kenya, 27 November to 1 December 2006) |   |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG/5/INF/21 | Comments on methodology for further definition of low POPs contents and levels of destruction and irreversible transformation |   |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG/5/INF/22 | Draft Pocket Manual on Implementation of Green Ship Recycling prepared by the Danish Environmental Protection Agency |   |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG/5/INF/23 | Report of the Working Group on Ship Recycling established by the fifty-fourth session of the Marine Environment Protection Committee of the International Maritime Organization |   |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG/5/INF/24 | Proposed amendments to the general technical guidelines for the environmentally sound management of wastes consisting of, containing or contaminated with persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and the technical guidelines for the environmentally sound management of wastes consisting of, containing or contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polychlorinated terphenyls (PCTs) or polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs) |   |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG/5/INF/24/Corr.1 | Proposed amendments to the general technical guidelines for the environmentally sound management of wastes consisting of, containing or contaminated with persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and the technical guidelines for the environmentally sound management of wastes consisting of, containing or contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polychlorinated terphenyls (PCTs) or polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs) |   |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG/5/INF/25 | Report of the contact group on ship dismantling |   |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG/5/INF/25/Corr.1 | Report of the contact group on ship dismantling |   |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG.5/INF/4 | Environmentally sound management of ship dismantling: comments received pursuant to decision OEWG-IV/5
|   |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG.5/INF/5 | Abandonment of ships on land or in ports: comments received pursuant to decision OEWG-IV/6 |   |
UNEP/CHW/OEWG.5/INF/5/Add.1 | Abandonment of ships on land or in ports: comments received pursuant to decision OEWG-IV/6 |   |