Background: At its fourteenth meeting in 2019, the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the Basel Convention, through Decision BC-14/13, decided to establish a working group of the Basel Convention Partnership on Plastic Waste (PWP).
Working language: English
First online consultation of the working group: Basel Convention Partnership on Plastic waste, 13 November 2019
Background: The consultation meeting will be chaired by the Co-Charis of the Partnership, Mr. Ole Thomas Thommesen and Mr. Ross Bartley, and will be facilitated by the BRS-Secretariat. The agenda of the consultation and additional documents will shortly be shortly uploaded to this page.
Working language: English
Provisional agenda and registration on Webex platform.
Background: The second workshop of a series organized by the BRS Secretariat to raise awareness of marine litter pollution caused by plastics. The workshop participants will share knowledge and tools available for the Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of plastic wastes.
Working language: English